Vicious animals: what must be done!

whats up with pitbulls in this town anyways???

its like the cool thing in rupert to do, buy a pitbull…
is it suppose to give you a bigger penis or something???

LMAO, funny stuff, man. :smiley: 
Pitbulls scare the beejeezus out of me.

I must admit I walk my lab through the city center to avoid bubbles and his disgruntled kitties and the inbred jed pitbulls…It is a problem…It has nothing to do with protecting your grow etc…It comes down to having that mentality that my world is bad ass look out…Any professional import/export guy does not want heat; thus, lets get rid of the mutants and save the dogs!!!

That’s exactly why some people in this town have them.  You look at the mentality and personality of the owner, and it seems like a good match.  Pitbulls aren’t ALWAYS tempered to be mean, and I know quite a few that have made excellent family dogs… it’s just all up to the owner to instill the training needed to control any dog’s temperament.