Today's toon

RCMP: the long arm of the American drug war.

those american basterds…and there war on drugs… they talk about canada and all the BUD that goes across there border from here, now I dont smoke, and I dont condon it. but what shaps my ass is all the cocain that come’s in to canada from the good ol usa…fucking two face american standerds do you here us monning and growning “no” we just go with the flow dont rock the boat. well look what coke and crack have done to our city’s and small towns, its amazing to know that even in Prince Rupert we have a coke, crack and herion problem. those drugs I do hate and have seen what it can do to a family and all the other problems that comes with using these types of drugs.

more coke comes across our borders then weed going to the american …erg…

[quote=“Astrothug”]those american basterds…and there war on drugs… they talk about canada and all the BUD that goes across there border from here, now I dont smoke, and I dont condon it. but what shaps my ass is all the cocain that come’s in to canada from the good ol usa…fucking two face american standerds do you here us monning and growning “no” we just go with the flow dont rock the boat. well look what coke and crack have done to our city’s and small towns, its amazing to know that even in Prince Rupert we have a coke, crack and herion problem. those drugs I do hate and have seen what it can do to a family and all the other problems that comes with using these types of drugs.

more coke comes across our borders then weed going to the american …erg…[/quote]

what gets me is this sets a precident… so now when the US comes knocking wanting me for breaking a law there like i dont know downloading software off the internet… its legal here but illegal there… so whats stopping them from arresting me?

granted selling marijuana seeds is illegal here? either way if it is he should have been arrested here not there!

What… you think this is the first time the RCMP have co-operated with the US authorities? This kind of shit goes on all the time.


Actually selling Marijuana seeds is NOT illegal in Canada. So we’ve basically said that U.S. law overrides Canadian Law. Say goodbye to gay rights and abortion rights (soon to be gone in the U.S. if Dubya has his way) in Canada next. This is precisely the reason we need LESS integration with the U.S. and not more (and why John Defienbaker was a hell of a better Prime Minister than these soft-nationalist Liberals (Martin, Chretien) and cuckoo for (US) currency new Conservatives like Stephen Harper) . Anybody want to grant “Most Favoured Nation” status to China?

dont get me started on china…there in my nightmares now!!!

Do you know this for a fact? I went looking and couldn’t find anything that would confirm this. In the Controlled Drugs and Substances act the only exemption for seeds is for “Non-viable Cannabis seed, with the exception of its derivatives”


Marc has claimed that it is a “grey” area of law.
Not sure what he bases this on.

However marijuana should be legal the same as alcohol. Alcohol is more highly addictive. Coffee is more highly addictive, and barring “psychological addiction” factors, marijuana is not very physically addictive at all.

Having said that, all adolescents should not do any drugs (caffeine included) unless prescribed by their doctor because it is well known that pre-pubescents can be more affected by smaller quantities of drugs than adults.

But as an adult, I should be able to determine for myself (and do) what drugs I will partake.

I recommend reading material found at – Law Enforcement Against Prohibition.

I have been reading some of the comments pertaining to Emery’s bad situation and all of that info on selling seeds being legal or not. Then we have the last but not least about smoking POT, drinking coffee and the real bad stuff Alcohol. I would think that these issues or items could be addressed by Old Hippies or just old Pot smokers. You all know who you are, give us your insight. As for Emery and the RCMP acting on behalf of the USA, I believe this where our government must stand up and say no “The Bush Puppets must stop here,get your heads out of your asses and get with reality”. Emery is ours.


I am not a burnout or a loser,
I don’t shoot heroin, and I don’t own a crack pipe.
I am a person who prefers marijuana over alcohol.
I am your friend, your relative, or someone you work with.

I believe in scientific research, not propaganda and hysteria.
I believe in the concept of no victim, no crime.
I believe in tolerance, not a U.S. style drug war;
I believe in harm reduction, not people destruction.

Cannabis is not addictive, not a gateway drug,
and no one has ever died from smoking it.
It’s much less harmful than either alcohol or tobacco.
The real harm to a person is caused by the laws against it.

It’s time to legalize marijuana and end the hypocrisy,
It’s time to stop wasting taxpayer money and police resources.
It’s time for the government to listen to public opinion.
It’s time for all pot smokers to speak out and
proudly declare… I AM CANNABIAN !!!

Very well put!!

How many pot smokers do you see loosing it and killing people, etc. None! Why don’t we stop waisting tax payers dollars trying to get rid of it, and collect taxes from selling it. It could solve the national debt.

All that money we could get from taxing the sale of Pot , we could take care of national debt. Maybe we could become like China and scare the shit out of them Americans. They think Emery has them confused, wait till they see that we do not need the Subs from the West Edmonton Mall. I do not indulge but yes it would take care of national issues.

Im the same as the other posters here i dont do it but I do think it can be legailized like alchole.

It should be noted that it was the Vancouver Police who raided Emery, not the RCMP.

Read today’s Sun. Apparently they came in in Tshirts and identified themselves as DEA. The people in the cafe all went "Yeah, right!"
But a little justice happenned: the mayor of Vancouver who left Emery’s cafe alone and campaigned for smarter drug laws GOT APPOINTED SENATOR!
George Bush is probably yanking his hair out and cursing everything Canadian today!

If they identified themselves as DEA, doesn’t that throw another illegality into their actions?

I was hoping Larry Campbell would get the Senate appointment, but didn’t think he had a chance. Apparently there is some justice in the world.

ya rememb when our enlightened federal boys come up with that brain wave to contract out for growing medicinal shit underground and screw jobing it so they had to throw it out because dem seeds was all mixed up because they came from busts.
Well it gets better yet, a very few came forward and tryed to explain how it is properly done, like where to get the seeds, different strains better for certain conditions, etc.
Ya, they got busted real fast, now everyone shuts right up. Real good progress. And shure good method of burning the people’s money. In math speak is called no vector it just goes arround in a circle, all doing the shuffle to no-where-land but anyone watching says, yep they’s a moving.