This current stretch of good weather

To quote Wallace Shawn, “Inconceivable!”.

What have people been doing during this anomalous stretch that has us enjoying the best weather in the province? How have people been coping?

Me, I baked a huckleberry pie filled with locally picked fruit. First time fruit pie baker!! And, I re-discovered the beauty of the Butze Rapids trail at dusk.

Anyone else struggling with weather issues (besides the Vivers, of course)?

This weather makes me miss actual summer. I want to be out racing, or anticipating the next race, not being sad cause racing season is over. And believe it or not, I actually enjoy rainy season in rupert. The way I see it is, if we had sunny weather constantly, and it was never stormy, windy, or rainy, we could never appreciate those beautiful sunny days.

So I’m going to start a flame war here by saying, I want the rainy weather back.

So I’m going to start a flame war here by saying, I want the rainy weather back.[/quote]

Any attention is good attention…spare me buubba

Our family went for a stroll down by the water front…the view was first rate. What an amazing day. :smile:

35 degrees on the back deck in Terrace. Crazy.

Pretty amazing week all in all and with the promise of at least five more to come.

Ah, it will give us all something to think of when Novembers gales come early

Dude…crazy indeed! Time for a few cold ones methinks. :smile:

I feel bad for the small businesses in town. With all this nice weather no one is wanting to be shopping. We all want to be outside enjoying the nice weather. I wonder how bad this weather really does affect them?? I know 3rd Ave was dead quiet all day. Actually all week.

I would think that people would be more likely to be downtown walking around and browsing on a nice day than on a crappy rainy one.