There goes the shopping mecca

LOL, touché smartass. :smiley:

You’re right, people want what they don’t have and then when they get it, they don’t want it anymore. That isn’t a problem unique to Rupertites though, it’s a pervasive human flaw, unless you’re an enlightened Buddhist maybe. But then again, some would argue that this discontent isn’t a flaw at all and instead is a basic human drive for something else, something different, something better, and that it is this drive that fuels ambition and success.

Now this leaves me wondering if those of us cocooned here in Rupert are more discontented than the average Canadian or less so. If sunlight affects mood and happiness (and psychiatrists do prescribe light therapy for depressed individuals living in the north) than I’d have to say we’re a sad, sorry, depressed bunch and it isn’t our fault.

Blame it on the rain.

Wow, it seems the positive things that I am grateful for in the town are actually totally esoteric and apparently invisible to the rest of the blind and jaded masses.  Either I’m right on the cutting edge or I’m completely deluded.  Either that or I have naturally high levels of Vitamin D and am able to maintain a more positive outlook than the rest of the bitter complainers out there.

I love rupert, love the town and most of its inhabitants. love the wildlife surrounding us, the ocean, the trees, the moutons and the rives. I love rupert for all the things I cant find in the big city…  :smiley:

Ok now that we all now that the box stores are not coming here. I read in the paper last week about them rezoning that area. and When I went by there yesterday there is now a sign on the right hand side of the road. again it says rezoning.  does anyone know what is really going in there…

Obviously something to make you ask questions. :unamused:

Sign says something like Light Industrial…perhaps going going back to the way it was? :neutral_face:

Thank you Hoser. at least someone out there can answer a question with out been a smart ass.

It’s kind of obvious it’s being rezoned back to light industrial.

You can’t keep it commercial if nothing commercial is going in there can you?

Not sure why you think that would be “obvious” – there’s not much light industrial going on there either.

Yes, but that was what it was zoned for in the first place wasn’t it?

It was rezoned to commercial, so I guess they have to go through the same process to rezone it back. 

A particular zoning doesn’t really have much to do with what’s actually happening on the site.  Look at all the empty lots and empty buildings in Rupert – they’re all zoned one way or another, regardless of any activity.

Stranger things have happened.

Here’s why I don’t think it’s “obvious it’s being rezoned back to light industrial.” :

(this is not from any expertise in Municipal zoning – everything I know about this comes from playing SimCity! )

It’s actually two bits of land.  They were both Light Industrial, but I seem to recall that one property was rezoned Commercial, and there was talk of expanding into the other zone as well.

Now I don’t think they’d go through the trouble of rezoning it back to light industrial, when it wasn’t really getting much use that way, and it the land is more valuable if you can do something else with it.

If you’re going to rezone, it would be to something else, not Light Industrial.

Read tonights paper.

It’s actually going to be rezoned “A1 Amenity Zone”

Which includes things like golf courses, shooting ranges, quarries, etc.

Does anybody know what the plan is?

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Or wait until the Podunkian types it up :wink:

I want a Go cart track!!!

Well we could use more Amenities. More things for the kids to do like a batting cage. I’ve always thought a batting cage would go over well in this town.

Podunk doesn’t have it up yet. Maybe he’s out laundering his vast millions he gets from his blog at the Casino.

Yeah, it’s being rezoned back to what it was before… Just read the article.