The wind

So… what’s up with this wind?

theres totally a perfect storm coming our way.

Yay for 1 minute power outages!

And it’s sooooooo not 12:16 am. It’s 12:52.

[quote=“smartass”]Yay for 1 minute power outages!

And it’s sooooooo not 12:16 am. It’s 12:52.[/quote]

Im lost i had a power outage at 12:51, could there be a minute delay from where u live and i live?

Make sure your time zone is set properly in your profile. Also, the clock was off on the server.

Yeah, power outage here too.

The server’s on a UPS, but the router isn’t, so when the power goes out, the site is still up, we just can’t connect.

Hmm the time was a lil off there for a bit… but it’s back to normal now.

yngwie there has to be a time difference… 2km away should equal about a minute :unamused:

It’s blowing!