The Pi 500 is out

Been waiting for it.,… the new Pi500 all=in-keyboard w 8GB RAM.
!!! They left out the connecter for an NVME drive on the 500!!!
Big disappointment! I suppose I should wait for a PLUS model to come out, it was a silly thing to leave out to save $2 or so. The traces and markings for it are already there on the motherboard


I’ve never tried out a Pi unit. I’ll be curious t hear what you use it for.

I bought it as a TOY originally. A buddy had one for ages and raved about all the projects he did. When the Pi4 came out I grabbed it and a project kit and manual set. Honestly, I never even opened the damn kit. The only thing I ever plugged into the IO pins was a fan because I overclocked to 2200Mhz all the time.
I unloaded all my old computers & laptops and as I had tons of SD cards and USB sticks I try almost every distro on one and just pop another in to try the next.
Relearning Linux from pre2014 days running a sever bank. And OMG I forgot a lot. The Pi4 had 4GB RAM, perfect for a Retrogame machine, my fave is PiMiga with like 4000 games, tools, programs all on a 64GB SD,
Makes for a good NAS, Mediabox, even have a couple old websites on a Ubuntu webserver on an old 128 SSD with a USB 3 adapter.
Like I said, it’s a toy to distract me from fixing people’s Windoze machines all the time.
Since then I moved my home NAS to a refurbed Dell miniPC with a faster CPU and more RAM.
I just want a Pi500, I need it like a hole in the head. If they ever enable the NVME slot I will. Just to HAVE one…
(no wife, kids all growed, mortgage and cars paid off… beats getting old and fat again)

BTW I’m once again getting buried w computers, tablets. phone too old to update and people don’t even want them for free. Even got a bunch of iPads with ‘find my’ turned on I can’t do a thing with.
Gonna need a run to the recycle shed soon.