The gated community of Prince Rupert

Since I live on Vancouver Island, I don’t think so. But when I did live in Rupert and watched the rail yards getting deader and deader, I kept wondering to myself what a waste of prime waterfront space it was. After seeing what other communities (some smaller than your city) have managed to accomplish with either making over old industrial space or revitalising their waterfronts, I think Rupert more than deserves a multi-use downtown,waterfront space. Nanaimo is the best example I’ve seen so far but I’m sure a plan tailored for the city’s unique needs can be hammered out over time…

For those of you who may not be familar with downtown Nanaimo’s waterfront development, check out this slideshow- … GrSBOSZ3_M

It shows that they have managed to integrate both the commercial (fishboats, seaplane base,etc) and the fun stuff (restaurants,shops,seawater swimming area,parks) into a pretty seamless package that both the locals and tourists can enjoy and I’ve only visited the south end of the walk. Why not have something like this for Rupert??

The second tuesday of the month is when the public can put their comments in person to the city counsel, but it is useless to go before them without a rational strategy. We will meet and create a society. With a clear vision we will move forward toward our objective. I will create a site on facebook, when I do I’ll put the group name on  this thread.

Count me in. I don’t know that we will need a whole society - as suggested by seaspray - as long as we can get a municipal mandated task force.

only 12 more…

  Only 11 now :smiley:  I would like to be involved in some capacity !

[quote=“Justin Case”]
For Thoughtful Citizen if the right people would step to plate we may have more choices … Crazy Mike you are also right about shit or get off the pot and do something about it , maybe we could talk with Pond ( thats if he is in town this week ).[/quote]

Good idea Justin Case…

if mcsash and seaspray work on getting a group of people willing to roll up their sleeves and get some work done, perhaps Justin Case and I could approach the Mayor (and council, I would suggest) and ask for a mandate to provide our financially beleaguered city with a few ideas for local waterfront usage.

…hey…who was in that group that presented to city council - an Inner Harbour society? …or something like that…they presented during the whole ‘logging across the harbour thing’…

[quote=“Become the change”]
Good idea Justin Case…

if mcsash and seaspray work on getting a group of people willing to roll up their sleeves and get some work done, perhaps Justin Case and I could approach the Mayor (and council, I would suggest) and ask for a mandate to provide our financially beleaguered city with a few ideas for local waterfront usage.[/quote]

And I’ll get the chips and dip!

And I’ll get the chips and dip![/quote]

Who said you were being invited?

Too bad BillBelsey isn’t around town anymore… he’d bring the Pizza Pops!