Summer Camps?

Catholics are christians…and catholics have been surpressed in Northern Ireland for yrs by the protestant Brits.

See if this is of interest to you® kids…

Might want to check your link there :confused:

Works for me.

But it helps that I already know PAC10 is doing summer camps this year. Call them for sure.

Imagine they fixed the link since I tried it yesterday afternoon

I don’t like religions, or faith, or anything remotely like it.[/quote]

No religion at PAC 10 Tutoring’s summer camps. Only brain and physical activities.

Actually, although some of what you say is true and that churches DO run camps to try to teach kids morals and ethics etc while they’re young, a big part of holding summer camps is simply because the church congregation wants to know their kids are going to a wholesome environment. Obviously, not every camping experience is perfect…however, you get leaders and volunteers that are often already of the same mindset as the parents of the children who again are often brought up with the same values and expectations of behaviour. This hopefully will lead to smooth and fun camping.


[quote=“Uncle Stumbly”]
Actually, although some of what you say is true and that churches DO run camps to try to teach kids morals and ethics etc. [/quote]

Actually, You don’t need religion to teach kids morals and ethics etc…

Sure you do. You must live your life the way churches tell you or you will go to hell. Or something

What do you use as your basis for teaching, then?

You don’t need the threat of going to hell, to teach children the difference between right and wrong. You don’t need religion, to create good, well mannered children. Religion as a whole, is a form of controlling the masses. And while it may have been useful when it was created, we don’t really NEED it now. Well, some people seem to… But on the whole, most can deal with things on their own. I know I have.

The question remains: what’s the basis of your morality? From where do you derive your sense of right and wrong? Whatever FEELS like it should be the correct decision?

At least with churches there is a final authority, whether you agree with it or not.

If someone is looking towards a summer camp for one or two of their young ones , I believe they should find one with a good track record , the staff and councillors should all have a criminal check done on them for starters , I believe they should all be trained in first aid and some if not all should have life guard skills. I do not believe that any church or religious group should be involved . History has proved that many of these church people do not have a very good track record to start with. I would prefer knowing that these kids are there having fun , learning to get along with other kids and also learning about nature , as well as crafts . Keep the church out of it where we can see their goings on . Believe me there are some stories to be told .

Summer camps including the civic centre are not regulated at all.  Westview, Friendship House or Lighthouse Programs are all inspected and trained staff.  Northern Health makes sure the program, staff and safety are up to standards in these programs but churches and other private programs are no longer regulated, they took this responsibility away from inspectors about two years ago.  Therefore, my child will only be going to a summer program which has gone throught the licensing process.

The church long ago stole what was once every common persons belief of right and wrong,  They wrote it down to a few basic rules added some pretty stories,  and some horrible one,  claimed it came from the mouth of some being.

Are you insinuating that Respect for your common man is a product of religion,  yes our laws stem from one bible or another…?

Heck I could put a patent on breathing,  does not make it my creation… 

I raise my child to have respect for his fellow man, Because it is the right thing to do.

While we are here, 

Why don’t we count how many wars were fought and lives lost in the name of Atheism?  Rest assured Your world is changing,  It could be in your lifetime that you see a huge shift in belief system,  it is already happening. But it will happen and when that day comes,  Lets see what your “God”  has to say. Your petty little religions hold on this world is losing its grip.

I would predict when this shift comes,  that the belief systems that have held sway over us will do the same they have always done,  religious fervor in its death throws will resort to that last bastion they always go to,  VIOLENCE…

I don’t live by other peoples morals as I am a free person. I decide what is right and wrong based on my own beliefs and information. I don’t feel the need to conform to a specific set of rules in order to fit in with the crowd. 

My morals are exactly what I feel they should be and if you think im immoral well… Too fucking bad. 

I’m my own final authority whether you agree with it or not.

That’s incorrect. Not that there aren’t good stories or the basis for atrocities in the Bible, but that the moral code of Judeo-Christianity is at all the same as the morality subscribed to by, for example, the ancient Romans from the alleged time of Jesus.

And this was exactly my point. Everybody has the right to choose to live their life the way they want. jesus is clear with his/her opinion and has the right to express it, no questions asked. bubbasteve also uses his/her own viewpoint to raise children and live life and of course that’s perfectly within his/her rights.

Do those two viewpoints agree on everything?  I doubt it. As each are their own final authority, are both correct? When it comes to handling kids brought up in two completely different belief systems, how do one handle conflicts? What would one use as a final authority? Some generic written behavioural code that hopefully covers most common issues, I guess.

This is why I said that a church camp run by the church for church kids was basically going to run smoother (in theory, not always in practice), with the expectations of the kids’ behaviour being already instilled by upbringing in the same belief system.

Well that might be true in the republic of Jesus, but in Canada, as well as other democracies, we collectively set rules. You don’t get to opt out of them just because you don’t want to conform.

If you want to steal a car, you are not the final authority, and it does matter if we agree with you or not.  You don’t live in a vacuum where you get to decide what’s right and wrong without caring what others think.

I suppose you’re right. Though we all choose which rules to follow/break based on which rules we agree with/not.