Substanse Abuse ie:Drinking and "E"

Is there anybody out there who Is not getting a little tired of watching their friend falling to the wayside from too much substanse abuse? E is f%&#$g many of our buddies out there Male and female. Has anyone been taking some kind of notice how much we are looking more like the actors in Where the day takes you? I think we should start speaking out and looking for them.We don’t need no more no more no more

Come on! E isn’t that bad… I only spent $90 dollars on it this weekend… and $80 last weekend (it was a good deal double triple super stacked), but then the week before last, I did it Saturday and Sunday… I don’t remember how much I spent then, but I sure had a good time! Oh well, it’s Thursday, and I feel like shit because my dopamine levels are about as high as a lake in Arizona. And I don’t remember what my name is, but I sure do love dancing and mother nature, and making a complete ass of myself pretending to love everything…

…oh yeah, now I remember, drugs are pretty gay, ha.

Drugs are bad mmmkay.

Drugs suck the big one. Sure, everyone I know has tried pot, and that I can deal with…but not really agree with. When it comes to any other drugs, I’ll be straight forward and tell you you’re frickin’ stupid for putting that shit in your body. Really! And that is what you should tell your friend/friends, Justin case. Tell them they’re frickin’ stupid and to get their life together. Life is just as fun; and you can still be crazy enough without evil substances.

don’t be hatin on da ganga yo, we all be livin in babylon

hope you all likin’ it in Babylon cuz you all be gettin’ yore tour of duty extended.
- Yo’ Prez, GWB

nagging your friends won’t get them to stop using. it has to be a decision they make themselves, when they are done with it they will quit. no amount of nagging or harassing with help. it just puts a bigger gap between you.

I agree with what she said.

Something tells me that preaching and open condemnation will do more to alienate someone that it will to convince them.

There is a big difference between preaching and just giving them helpful advice. ie. If they are against counseling, offer to go with them.

I highly doubt that something like that would alienate them, and even if it did, it’s better than the alienation they would recieve from having drugs in their system.


There is a big difference between preaching and just giving them helpful advice. ie. If they are against counseling, offer to go with them.

I highly doubt that something like that would alienate them, and even if it did, it’s better than the alienation they would recieve from having drugs in their system.[/quote]

ok i am saying this out of personal expirience. talking to a person who is that into drugs does nothing especially if it’s a teenager that you are talking to. if anything all it does is push you farther away. they dont need another parent to tell them what they can and cant do. just be there and support them after the fact. they have to make their own decisions and their own mistakes otherwise how else are they supposed to learn?? im not meaning to diminish the fact that drugs are bad and what not but ultimately its their decision what they do to their bodies, not ours.

Drugs is a lifestyle, a recreation. Some people play basketball or soccer, others get high.

Just stopping recreational drug use isn’t going to happen, you need to find alternatives. Hobbies, sports or a girlfriend/boyfriend.

[quote=“rangerwreck”]Drugs is a lifestyle, a recreation. Some people play basketball or soccer, others get high.

Just stopping recreational drug use isn’t going to happen, you need to find alternatives. Hobbies, sports or a girlfriend/boyfriend.[/quote]

If you are not preaching, then what gives you the right to say what the “proper choice” is?

I do belive that ngillis said that in less words… You are the weakest link… Goodbye.