Skeptic's Guide interviews Adam Savage

Skeptic’s Guide interviews Adam Savage

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In this episode, they interview Adam Savage of The Mythbusters.  They also talk a little about the Bigfoot hoax (which they’ve been covering for a couple of weeks).

Am I the only one out here looking at Adam’s hair and thinking that he needs to be careful around open flame?? Remember the eyebrows??  :imp:

Whitney?? WHITNEY???  :smiley:

Thanks for the heads-up. I love these guys!

Is his hair even real now or was he just keeping it short in the earlier seasons?

He had it buzzed real short for the first while. For some reason he’s now strayed down the path of “Growing it longer to distract attention away from my receeding hairline”.

Someday I’d like to see Jamie without his 'stache but I expect hell would freeze over first.