Single beaver caused mass internet, cell service outages in Northern B.C

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Our outfit told provincial authourities years ago about the danger of only ONE internet pipe. Tried to sell them on a wireless relay link down Hwy16 as a backup.
But what would we know? We’re just a bunch of hicks from the Northern Resource Extraction Zone

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A back-up is an outstanding idea! I hope that the bean counters opt for your suggestion at some point. A single Internet link is stupid.

We made that proposal decades ago when they ran the first fibre to Kitimat.
Didn’t listen then, haven’t lurned shit since.

Now it’s too late, most of the old BC Tel microwave stations are decomissioned and AFAIK there’s still no wireless links that can carry as much as a single fibre. Maybe they can pony up another couple billion of our tax dollars to fork over to Telus.

After further research it has been discovered that the beaver caused the outage by downloading a game update and exceeding the 10GB limit for all Northern BC…
for only $10,000.00 a month ‘overuse insurance’ you can enjoy a further up to 100GB for no additional charges

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The beaver is a gangster running GTA. Heh-heh.