Share everyTHING

So many things that I came to believe as fact through my travels here on this planet…

I almost got myself to believe that this everything is all separate and unconnected, connected only in a way of relationships with this substance of matter and that…

Now I find a connection to everything that goes way beyond what I can ever explain… Way beyond… Every time I try, it sound absurd to even myself… the description shall only be a short ONE…

“Multi-dimensional unconventional omnipotent perceptual vision”

The only way to see a thing is by it’s movement… Before that there is darkness… So this spawning of life itself is some sort of movement in the cosmos… Anyways, at night is a good time to experience this sort of excitement of reality because there is less distraction from the eyes…

The night void of light becomes more colorful when you feel the real sensation of intensified sight…Soooo many colors when there is no fright…
Like a tv in the sky picking up reception of the eternal guise, a show of realities ties to all the truth and all the lies…

The mask of creation, a separation from the divine is only an illusion of mine…You can only know something if you have other THINGS to compare it to… You chose what’s true…

The SPARK, the energy ARK vibrating at it’s own frequency resonating the need to be… And you receive what ever you want to see for life is a choice…Take what you need and leave the rest, too many things is too much to invest…

So tread lightly on our dreams, it’s a shared reality so it seems… :smiling_imp:

Have you travelled on other planets?

Witness the Sound of Tomorrow’s Future Today!

Fillup a great big ballon wit aire, as far asit goes, then let it go. thus is the sound and motion of the world yet to come.
Hope someone arround to fill it again to puts it back to do it again.

Say god night, Dick Gode nite… outabreth

Are you related to the Titor family?

words wrote:

Dave wrote:

I knew we had visitors from other planets here in Rupert.
Which planet are u from word? Sounds interesting. :exclamation:

IT’S all relitive because throughout my travels here in creation from one flesh to the next I Am everything that can ever be and has ever been… ALL things…So I lived in every place that life has to offer and right now I’m here behind this computer sharing my thing…

I don’t remember what or where I was before because my soul suffers from amnesia… I guess it’s because you have to be lost to be found… You have to forget to remember… To enjoy a dream of limitation ONE has to become limited…

So I Am behind this computer thing wearing a human suit, living here on earth… Trying to make sense of this DREAM. Nothings what it seem when you see the true colors of the Great Mystery… The grand shape shifter…