Rudy Kelly and the Pope

I was born and raised Catholic. I fell away from the church when I was 16 or so, and life was chaotic until I went back.
I also come from an Italian background, therefor didn’t really have a choice about Sunday mornings being dedicated to sitting, kneeling, standing, repeat… If you know what I mean. In my mind that summed up the Catholic faith as well, Sunday morning aerobics.
Later on I realized that when I didn’t have faith in God and values to live by, I wasn’t very happy.
I recently went back to church after my Uncle passed away last Fall. Some may say it is purely coincidence that since I have started exploring my faith, I have been feeling better. But I really think it is an act of God.
If I was religiously uneducated, I wouldn’t want to talk down other people’s faith because unless I have really spent an enormous amount of time learning about religions, I would have no room to judge. After all there is only one judge :wink:

PS- Killing is not considered really fun in my books, and its a mortal sin

I was born and raised Catholic too. Sure, it’s great if you believe in God and his ways, and follow what was written in the Bible. I respect people who are so dedicated to it and all. One thing I cannot stand though is when people look down on you for not living your life the way the Bible says, and the fact religion is cause of so many conflicts is what makes me not believe religion is really true. There was times in my life when being Catholic made my life very difficult, and for that reason, I have lost faith. I believe in things around myself, not something that has never been seen and never will be seen.

religion is such a trainwreck, best of luck keeping yourself convinced!

I couldn’t have said it better myself.

Catholacism is an institution of man, not of god. An institution built on “blind” faith, ignorance an guilt. And I say this as another raised as a catholic. This is an organization so rife with hypocracy and lies, that thrives on subjugating women and keeping the masses ignorant, so they retain power and control. They are to this day one of the single richest institutions in the world and yet ask for donations from parishoners even in third world counties where most children have no shoes and live the majority of thier lives hungry. Here’s hoping that god is more tolerant and has a better sense of humor than many of us who may be offended by any of this. Check your history of the catholic church and the papacy, here’s a quick review: no less than three completes rewrites of the new testaments to elimate any positive references to women with the single exception of Jesus’ mother. Six centuries of crusades against the muslims. The total genocide of three entire races of peoples in europe alone in the early centuries, not to mention all the races of central and south american indigenous cultures wiped out upon the “discovery” of america. Oh and lets not forget the Inquisitions. Then more recently here, the horror of all the residential schools and sexual predation by men of “God”? and this list is far from complete. Rudy Kelly was being more than kind in my books. keep your faith in GOD not man and the pope is just a man.

Amen, Chaos, amen!

I was going to give some Quotes from the bible but I remember that I was going to try and avoid quote, so I told ESO I believe. But Jesus has been real good to me and that is my own personal thing. There is some good shit in this post.

I’m a wigwam! I’m a teepee!

Jesus is totally cool.

its just all the scabs that are hangin onto his image thats harshin my scene.

Jesus is my homeboy.

Your two tents…

Catholicism and Christianity in general aside, what religion do you Jesus Christ followed? Hint, he was Jewish and Christianity wasn’t around yet.

chaos, the Einstein quote you use a signature is overused and, in my opinion, not the best from the great man. Here are a few that I like to help you replace it:

[quote]Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.

Things should be as simple as possible, but not simpler.

Intellectuals solve problems; geniuses prevent them.

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the former.

Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts.

The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.

Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age 18.

Do not worry about your problems with mathematics, I assure you mine are far greater.

Gravitation can not be held responsible for people falling in love.

Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one. [/quote]

Ha ha ha ha, that is pretty funny.


Aw shucks:::::was that an indirect way of telling me I am beautiful Aw you shouldn’t have! :wink:

Both sides of the same sex marriage debate are arguing over the use of a word. The homosexuals won’t accept a civil union because it makes them different, but does it make them any more different than calling them homosexual? Does anything but the name make a civil union any different from a marriage? Those who don’t like homosexual people are going to be just as unaccepting of a homosexual couple whether they are married or civily united.

The christians won’t accept gay marriage because they think it will undermine the family unit. Is the biggest threat to a family the fact that two people of the same sex could be called “married”? Is the love between two men or two women or their desire to raise a family any less valid than that of a christian couple? what about all the buddhists, hindus, sikhs and scientologists, are they not considered married because their beliefs are different?

I kinda think that a lot of this debate exists only to give the spokesmen(or women) more time on tv.

Does it make them anymore different then Rudi Kelly? The jury is out on that one I am sure.

Well, I think Rudy Kelly writes that stuff so that people will actually take a look at the “newsprint spam” that everybody receives.

What’s the point of having advertisers pay you to spam everybody in Northwest BC if nobody actually reads the spam?

If I was an advertiser, I’d want Rudy to be as outrageous as possible. People are just going to throw the Northwest Weakly in the garbage and never see their ads. It’s just environmentally unfriendly spam without Rudy’s comments.