Provincial Bill 4

So is there anybody out there who knows about Bill 4 which was passed by the BC Government and takes affect as of today . So now we may expect to see industries drilling and digging , tree removal in our parks no matter what size .


Bill 4 Passes: B.C. Parks Now Officially Open…To Pipelines and Drilling

Thanks hitest for posting this information regarding the Bill 4 . Now I really think that is one horrible move to pull on the people of BC and every other person in our country that enjoy these recreational and scenic areas . People should read what we are talking .

Ive given up caring to the point i didnt even read the article. Fuck it the morons keep voting for these dickheads who fuck us over at every turn. Whats the point. The liberals could murder school children and still get elected. Were fucked. If they fuck up the province enough ill sell my house pack up and leave. Until then im just going to blissfully ignore all the corruption and back handed deals.

I’m as upset as you about the state of things here in our great province. I take some consolation in the fact that I did not vote for Clark. I hope that people eventually wake up in other corners of BC and send the Liberals packing. Time will tell.

I’m as upset as you about the state of things here in our great province. I take some consolation in the fact that I did not vote for Clark. I hope that people eventually wake up in other corners of BC and send the Liberals packing. Time will tell.[/quote]

I didn’t vote. I knew the outcome locally and wasnt about to vote for the local guy or against him. Wouldnt have mattered anyway. I never thought I’d be so apathetic but well… im too busy living my life to worry about the state of the province. I grew up here but have no qualms with moving if it turns to shit.

jesus , I hear what you are saying and the disgust one feels from these suit in Victoria and Ottawa after their bullshit election promises . The shaking babies and kissing hands to get our vote . Speaking of that saw Herbie in Tims this morning trying to sell his product to Vietnamese . Anyway regarding the Bill 4 , that is just not right how they can turn these parks into playland for industries . The other thing is where were the NDP while this was being passed ? Out looking Jennifer or what .

My friends I have nothing to hide , believe me .