Prince Rupert doctor shortage beyond stressful

A very stressful issue in our town. I hope some medical school graduates choose to move to our community.

Prince Rupert doctor shortage beyond stressful

I don’t feel this is a problem that is exclusive to Prince Rupert, at all. Look at how many clinics there are in any developed city that only take drop-ins to attempt to curb this. I have not had a family doctor my entire adult life until later last year. That’s ~20 years of going to a walk-in at 6 am and standing in line to beat the daily cutoff for an injury, prescription, professional medical, or going without. ER wait times in GP were often 10-14 hours for the entire time I lived there.

Is the shortage due to a lack of available positions, a lack of interest to live there, or better opportunities elsewhere?

If I was a medical graduate looking to settle down and start a career as a doctor, the north likely wouldn’t be on my list of places to work unless I was from the area and had sentimental ties.

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Sorry folks, but your complaints are too little and arriving too late.

The changes to the BC Health care system have been purposely taking place over a fair number of years and have been intentional. I would suggest that the streamlining, cost saving measures, allowance of limited privatization of services, and underfunding that has resulted in the current poor performance of the system has not been by happenstance. (Of course maybe I just can’t afford the high cost of my anti conspiracy meds these days).

Are you aware that there is currently a major case drawing to a close in British Columbia that may radically change the face of health care in the province?

The issue is not the Doctors, or the nurses, or the medical personnel you may encounter. For the most part they are dedicated, highly competent and compassionate service providers working under stressful conditions. By placing the blame on them you are misdirecting your anger and frustration.

If you think things are bad now – wait until you are in a position where you have to pay substantial fees out of pocket for all services.

I sympathize with your complaints…. I just think things may get worse before we see any semblance of better.

By the way: fewer graduates over all have been available to meet the demand due to lack of funding of programs (only a limited number of doctors, nurses etc are being trained … and because of problems of stress, violence, questionable working conditions I believe retention is even a bigger problem). There will not be a quick fix to that problem.

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Just as a follow up: the case that could have important consequences for health care as we now know it it wrapping up.

I find myself, strangely, supporting the government in this case…unusual.

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What’s the TLDR of the issue? I’m out of the loop.

Does he want doctors to work in both private and public hospitals? Or something different?

Simply Dr. Day et al are, I believe, arguing that there should be two streams of health care access: one for the public, and one for those who are willing to pay to jump to the head of the line. Jumping the line also involves double billing - the government would pay costs as well as the extra the client would pay. (Basically health care would have a substantial “for profit” element.) That’s my understanding and belief…as faulty as it maybe. (By the way Dr. Day first came to general public awareness when Gordon Campbell introduced him and his ideas as a potential solution to health care costs while he was Premier).

Today’s court ruling sounds like a win for public rather than private health care. Now’s the time to advocate for more health care funding to restore and build the a healthy public system.
Dr. Day has previously said he and his supporters will appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada.

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Agreed. More money is needed in healthcare.

The Supreme Court of Canada today refused to hear Dr. Brian Day’s appeal thus finalizing the idea that public health care in Canada is for patient health not for profit.
Since being introduced by Gordon Campbell and the Liberals in BC Dr. Day has been a spokesperson for the privatization of health care services in BC.
The closing of the door to privatization will refocus efforts to improve the current crisis….hopefully.


Wonderful news! Health care should be a right for every Canadian, not just for people who can pay to jump ahead in the line.


“The Liberals” also known as of today as “BC United”? Same health care wolf in new and improved sheep’s clothing?

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BC United is a better name. The old Socreds have a new home. Their uber-right wing branding is on point. Heh. :slight_smile: