Prince Rupert Daily News Changes

Hey, when did stop being about fights at the carnival, and start being about rational discussion?

Hitest and Codybear: quit being such pussies. It’s a good ol’ fashion gunfight!

Ha, point well-taken, Eso.  :smiley:  I’ll leave well enough alone for now.  Carry on folks.
hitest pretends to look away

  I think I’m offended…Mrrrrrrrrrrrow…!    :smiley:  :smiley:

Just my little “two cents worth”…I was quite pissed off with BakerWriter a few months ago with an article he had written regarding a certain area person and her complaints regarding  our addiction services and  what she felt was a lack of assistance offered from any of the services here. I phoned him and called him on it. We had a lengthy and I choose to believe, a productive conversation regarding this issue.  The investigative nature of the article had hurt a few people in town who indeed had gone above and beyond on more than one occasion to help without any effort on her behalf.  My point here is that he was very receptive, fair and seemed grateful for the opportunity to hear the facts as they had occurred.[/quote]

I don’t recall this story but want to know if, after your discussion, Baker followed up with a story that told the other side of the story, about those people that tried to help this person but she wasn’t willing to put much effort in herself?

Also, what do you mean by “investigative nature” of the story? 

I have to give credit to the Daily News for something… the picture of the Mariners on Monday was magnificent!!  LOL

Hey Bakerwriter with all the anger management failures of yesterday we never did hear back on this, who if anyone is covering City Hall now then?

Yes, and to make that group of grotesqueries look good is no mean feat!   :imp:

Does the paper still do the “police beat” or whatever it was called where they divided the town into sections and reported all the crimes that happened? I looked forward to that every week! There was always a least one weird bit, like “tarp theft outbreak on overlook” where a bunch of tarps would be reported missing, despite the fact that there was like 80km winds for the past week. hmmm…

Yep, I think it’s in tonight’s paper.

Yeah, haven’t seen the police report in a while. I guess there were no school yard fights or of sassing of teachers or lengthy detentions. (Or have all the elementary sources dried up?)
And also the ‘Game Page’ Thursdays and Fridays seems to have gone the way of most of the rest of life’s empty promises!

  Didn’t ya know CLOCKED OUT…Rupert IS lifes’ empty promise  :neutral_face:  Sorry, rain getting to me today…

Haven’t seen any “Letters to the Editor” either.

Oh wait, I forgot! No more editor …  :imp:

With the election over, there’s nothing to talk about in Rupert anymore. We just sit there and stare at each other, occasionally saying 'yep" and uh huh." Once in awhile someone will open his mouth to say something but then realize it’s already been said and remain silent. Guess we can talk about Phase 2.


I’m sure that Dan Veniez could put something together on short notice. :wink:

a crappy newspaper?

I would like to know how it is decided who gets to write columns. No offence to anyone but really columns should be somehow about relating to the public or at the very least of public interest but columns like the Haida Gwaii one or I need a Hero are just about promoting self-interests and have no value whatsoever to the majority of the readers.

I think however they can pad their “local content” numbers - especially when it requires virtually no work on their behalf - they will.

Which is fine. I don’t care about that… but at the very least couldn’t they not choose more interesting writers or at least rotate writers? For example, the Let’s Eat Column is not the worst but there are lots of people in town who could write that column. Why should one person get to do it? And quite frankly the good Christian undertones to it are quite unappetizing.

Bakerwriter is to be admired. He seems to be doing his best to maintain journalistic integrity despite the management constraints put on the newspaper. I suspect he will soon tire of this and leave, and that is sad.

Bakerwriter seems to be an ethical journalist, and the bean counters who run the Daily News will soon take their toll.

Meanwhile, the paper ruined a perfectly fine story today on a woman, dying of cancer, trying to raise money for a fun trip for her and her family, by putting a stupid editor’s note above it!

The note assumes that we need to be told how to feel about a story in which it is perfectly obvious how we should feel about it, and wants us to think “Gosh. I’ve been a selfish jerk lately, worrying about the economy and other issues, when I should be thinking of others. Thank you, Daily News, for reminding me of my humanity!”  :roll: