Prince Rupert Cinemas

I am not being paranoid…my bites are there and are real.

There is no mistaking that after I left the theatre the first time I had bites on my wrists…no new bites showed up afterwards until the next time I went to the theatre, when another 15 bites showed up…again no new bites have shown up at all since then.

Obviously I cannot say 100% that they are because of the theatre…but other than going to the theatre, I did nothing out of the normal, and our dog does not have fleas and I have not be around any other animals in that time. The bites also do not look like flea bites.

I googled the bites and they look like bed bug bites to be honest…they follow the zig/zag, straight line pattern of bed bugs and they are in clusters of three bites in one area. 3 in a straight line below my wrist on my right arm, then 3 near my elbow all in a straight line on my left arm, then 5 in a zig zag on my lower back by my waist on the right side, and 3 on the other side in the same area.

As I said before, when I had the bites on my wrist the 1st time, it did not even cross my mind that it could be from the theatre until this thread was made…then it dawned at me that my first set of bites showed up after my 1st visit there.

Both times I sat on the right hand side of the middle theatre, near the back.

I hope I am wrong and to be honest, when I went the 2nd time I was 99% sure that speculation on here was probably wrong, otherwise if I truly believed it I would not have gone to the theatre at all.

I firmly believe though that these bites I have came from that theatre…for me there is just no other explanation…I did nothing new at all, outside of going to that theatre and I find it hard to believe that two visits, with bites showing up afterwards = a coincidence.

I have been worried for days that I brought something home with me…but so far I have not see anything at my house or been bitten by anything else since going to the theatre.