Plan for society

We are progressing towards a future where we are becoming very efficient in utilizing all of the earth’s resources. Our society is spreading to all of the natural places on earth and recreating nature to fit our idea of civilization. A price is put on everything and we starve people to get it. We restructure the land, domesticate the people, build more and more machines, whatever it takes to speed up the process and make this the dominating system. There is so much power in the people and if manipulated wisely, we could run this world with only a select few. We can take control of the masses and wield the power of every ones creative abilities. With this power we can carve deep into the mother earth pulling out all of her treasures and gems. With this great massive energy of the populace we can build great structures and whole cities geared towards covering this earth with massive byways, highways, and flyways. People will chop or saw all of the trees down so that we will have room for even more production and growth. The people will even burn the great forests to make way for more lucrative opportunities to spread the wealth, the way. It’s ok to waste some goods if it means faster, bigger, endless supplies. Who cares if we run out theres always something else to reap. Why should we save for the future, our lives are now and we should live life to the fullest. Hell, who cares about health??? As long as people continue to do all of the work and teach their children to perpetuate the same then everything will continue as normal. Even if people die young from all the toxic air, food and water it creates that’s ok because humans will spawn many more cogs for the machine. Plus, people get to wise when they grow to be elders and that’s bad for production, we wouldn’t want anybody teaching the young anything but how to make that godly money now would we. That money is a good treat, most are addicted to it. To some it’s just a tool and to others it’s a way to buy one’s soul. Some people make money and some people create the money made. It also buys big guns so that we can protect ourselves from the terrorists that try to tear our system apart. It can also be used to make war so we can collect from the winners and own the losers. How it all ends I don’t know but isn’t it just so fun and entertaining. We have our malls, sports events, video games, soaps, movies, magazines, media, fast cars, big houses, cancer phones, laptop cancer, and just cancer in general… We have it all and we won’t stop till we get it or it gets us…

You’re exempted, of course, if you come join us…


Yeah, this is all great stuff indeed. Greedy pigs like me can get rich off of the poor, stupid suckers like you, and there’s nothing you can do about it!

What’s even better is that you think that by prattling on like this, you think you can make things change. Well, you can’t. You know why? Because nobody cares! They’re too busy trying to join the likes of me as we destroy this planet for our own personal gain.

Long live the corporate class!

[quote=“Stardog Champion”]

Yeah, this is all great stuff indeed. Greedy pigs like me can get rich off of the poor, stupid suckers like you, and there’s nothing you can do about it!

What’s even better is that you think that by prattling on like this, you think you can make things change. Well, you can’t. You know why? Because nobody cares! They’re too busy trying to join the likes of me as we destroy this planet for our own personal gain.

Long live the corporate class![/quote]

You were bored enough to read all that?? Wow. You’ve gotta be one of a select few that actually read that guy’s posts anymore.

I read it as well.

Not much to say in response though.


Stardog beat me to the punch.

Even when you know it’s me you still peek your awareness my way:twisted:

You’ll read many more I’m sure, and that’s how it works. People WILL read. :wink:

Perception is like different catacombs in the mind. When you knock down the partitions you’ll have oneness vision :open_mouth:

We may be in a labyrinth built by knowledge :bulb:

Whoever controls the information controls the arena :exclamation:

What will you find at the end of the maze :question:

Can’t we just jump over the walls 8)

How about think right through them :laughing:

No, I just ran my eyes over it to confirm that it was the usual drivel that Words always subjects us to. The words themselves may be diffrent but the underlying message never is.

You forgot to mention the advances in medicine. The average person lives 40 more years than they did 150 years ago. I understand what you are saying but there are good aspects of technology and advancement in life that benefit us and the environment.

I agree with smartass if a post is that long it better be about something worth while such as star wars or that chicken off family guy.

The twin pricks were destroyed because the WTO was swinging them around on other peoples land. Terrorists attack when something is backing them into the corner and forcing them to live a certain way, taking their land, or using genocidal tactics. NAFTA is just as bad, do some research on what TRADE POWER these monsters really have. The little people of the world fall victim to the big guns of the capitalistic way. When THEY want something they get it. Get it??? This process was created along time ago and stirs up hate for America and any other society that plays the same unfair game. The playing field gets leveled first by creating wars and letting them kill each other off. Supply both sides with an arsenal and WORLD BANK on the rest. The winner’s pay with the spoils of war and the losers owe big. We are blinded by the American nightmare of calling anyone who fights back, terrorists. When the Native Americans in the past were being extinguished they were looked at like they were the problem and the average colonial believed anything said about them. They were dirty, no-soul, dangerous savages that would steal and rape all the white women we could find. Like animals.

So you say you gotta know why the world goes 'round,
And you can’t find the truth in the things you’ve found,
And you’re scared shitless cuz evil abounds,
Come join us.

We got a thousand points of light
For the homeless man
We got a kinder, gentler,
Machine gun hand
We got department stores
and toilet paper
Got styrofoam boxes
for the ozone layer
Got a man of the people,
says keep hope alive
Got fuel to burn,
got roads to drive.

Keep on rockin’ in the free world,
Keep on rockin’ in the free world
Keep on rockin’ in the free world,
Keep on rockin’ in the free world.

[quote=“Eso”]So you say you gotta know why the world goes 'round,
And you can’t find the truth in the things you’ve found,
And you’re scared shitless cuz evil abounds,
Come join us.[/quote]

well I heard you were looking for a place to fit in
full of adherent people with the same objective
a family to cling to and call brethren
come and join us

i care because you do

Killing for peace is like fucking for chastity.

Also words, if you’re so knowledgeable on such topics than you clearly have the power to make a stand and do something about it.

Go Go Go!

“catacombs of the mind” … uh oh now I’m worried … gotta go searchin to see if I’ve got any of those critters … oh crap, just fell into a particularly deep catacomb in my own mind … how embarassing … now how am I going to get out of this one?

Oh I know! Stop reading posts of sheer unadulterated drivel …

You can lead a horticulture, but you can’t make her think.

Richard D. James