Oscar night

So I can only guess that James Cameron must be a jerk to work with, the Academy sure didn’t seem to buy into the Avator enthusiasm.

And seating him one row behind his ex wife and the big award winner of the night certainly wasn’t happenstance do you think? :imp:

Cameron can be a total horror to work for (“The Abyss” set made boot-camp look like a walk in the park, etc) but he gets results. I don’t think he stood a chance of getting the director nod after his crowing that “king of the world!” line when he won for “Titanic” but if 
the end result of the Oscars is not just to honor the winners but to boost a film’s overall bottom line, he’s already The King…“Avatar” has made over 2.5 billion dollars since it opened.  :imp:

I was thrilled to see Jeff Bridges and Sandra Bullock win !  Both great actors and she has been on an award roll with her Blind Side flick…Great to see actors that are appreciative and humble and remember to thank their spouses too !!