Next you are going to say these kinds of Wannabes are poets, it is garbage no matter how it is listened to. What is with the wannabe Gangster Outfit ? Be real whatever your name,label or tags say. Just garbage shit.
it’s not that bad, I enjoyed listening to it, it’s better then the same old thing every day, I liked the beat on Play Dem Games, i’m just going through the play list now, i’ll check out the youtube channel, and probably sub.
I don’t mind listening to rap/hip hop local or not, there are a lot of people out there doing what they love, if you’re not a fan then you’re not a fan, no big deal. and DJ Wrecks One, don’t worry about life so much man, if you don’t get a positive feed back, then it’s alright, what’s one person out of one little town? I don’t post often on HTMF but from what i’ve seen, is there are a lot of negative people here.
so don’t take it too personal if they’re judging rather harsh, and replying back only feeds them, they bring in others and that’s how you end up in the wasteland. haha
if you have a link to a youtube channel for yourself and Young Gauge feel free to post here or PM i’ll check them out later.
Sorry, but I’ve been watching this thread as I get google alerts anytime one of my artists are mentioned on the net.
My names JT, I run Tactics Entertainment. The label behind Street Kingz and all their artists.
I just wanted to say a couple things. Any material on youtube of Gauge is old, low quality, and a bad representation of the artist he is today, including pictures. (Except Profreshnill’s In My Zone which Gauge features on)
I don’t think the OP is Gauge as he has a better marketing engine behind him than posts on a forum, but if it’s you Gauge, WTF??? lame…lol
ONLY place to get current material is
If it’s not on one of those links, it’s not backed by Tactics.
and as for the OP. I appreciate the love you are trying to show Gauge, but let people have their opinions, if people think you’re him, and you rep yourself like that, you sure ain’t doing him nor yourself any justice.
To those that like his new music, thanks for the love. Those that don’t, check out our artists and hopefully there’s something ya’ll appreciate.
Tactics Entertainment
I know your right I shouldn’t let a bunch of kids living in their moms basements bother me like this but all I was trying to do was promote a friend who is trying to feed his family. To call this garbage is just retarded and I think everyone with half a working brain could tell that. Anyways thanks for the positive feedback I know there are plenty of us who have an open mind and continue to use it.
[quote=“tacticsent”]Sorry, but I’ve been watching this thread as I get google alerts anytime one of my artists are mentioned on the net.
My names JT, I run Tactics Entertainment. The label behind Street Kingz and all their artists.
I just wanted to say a couple things. Any material on youtube of Gauge is old, low quality, and a bad representation of the artist he is today, including pictures. (Except Profreshnill’s In My Zone which Gauge features on)
I don’t think the OP is Gauge as he has a better marketing engine behind him than posts on a forum, but if it’s you Gauge, WTF??? lame…lol
ONLY place to get current material is
If it’s not on one of those links, it’s not backed by Tactics.
and as for the OP. I appreciate the love you are trying to show Gauge, but let people have their opinions, if people think you’re him, and you rep yourself like that, you sure ain’t doing him nor yourself any justice.
To those that like his new music, thanks for the love. Those that don’t, check out our artists and hopefully there’s something ya’ll appreciate.
Tactics Entertainment[/quote]
Those are the only links I have been posting. This fool decided to upload some low quality stuff to try to make him look bad but I believe that anyone who knows anything about hip hop would recognize real game. You guys are doin it big down there and you are definatly right everyone is entitled to their own opinion and mine is if the world had a little less haters trying to prevent people like us from making money it would be a much more livable place…
Trigger Audio Productions
I didn’t get the impression anyone is trying to get in the way of “our”? Money… gauge does it for the love of music and is the artist he wants to be even if that falls under the mainstream categories. There is no need to be aggressively defensive. Someone thinks it is shit then it is shit to them… deal with it. Nobody insulted you for liking it, why insult them for not? If you are a friend of his, maybe try to keep your composure, especially when referring to “us” or “our”…
Thanks for the support, either way glad you are so emotionally invested, but no need to take it so personally.
Tactics entertainment
How is it retarded to call it as it is? Just because you do not like the opinion does not mean its garbage but what do I know. I’m not a true gangster from the hardcore streets of the sunny okanagan.
@Dj wrecks one, who are you to judge others? you have never met any of us, if you worked for the record company and you were in charge or advertising and getting the name out there for one of the artists and this is the job you did, I wouldn’t waste half a second on letting you go, be professional man, shouldn’t be so quick to let people get under your skin, there are 8 billion people in the world and becuase a hand full of people on one local forum don’t like the music, move on, spread the world else were, leave a comment here, saying “thanks for your time and feed back” or something of that matter, to stoop down to the level of calling people names is childish, and will get you no where in life.
How is it retarded to call it as it is? Just because you do not like the opinion does not mean its garbage but what do I know. I’m not a true gangster from the hardcore streets of the sunny okanagan.[/quote]
as tacticsent mentioned, this DJ guy is not Gauge, and is doing a poor job of representing im, Tacticsent seems to be nice, and professional about things, like I said to DJ wrecks one, don’t take it personal, the people that commented on this obviously made him mad, and he can’t handle things in a professional manner, I agree with what Tacticsent said, one person’s opinion shouldn’t cause an big arguement over a forum, so it’s best not to feed this guy that calls everyone half retarded kids, while he likes the music, and is advertising it, he’s not doing a good job at making a company that he has no part of look any better by his actions.
and if you don’t like it, you don’t like it, that’s fine it’s only one person on a forum, it’s not the end of the word. I enjoyed some of the songs, pretty good imo. but that’s me, and I don’t try to push my feelings/beliefs onto others, we all have our own opinions.
Those are the only links I have been posting. This fool decided to upload some low quality stuff to try to make him look bad but I believe that anyone who knows anything about hip hop would recognize real game. You guys are doin it big down there and you are definatly right everyone is entitled to their own opinion and mine is if the world had a little less haters trying to prevent people like us from making money it would be a much more livable place…
Trigger Audio Productions[/quote]
dude I youtube searched “young gauge”, then I realize he misspelled his own name and re-searched.
I didn’t upload shit, if you look at the comments of youtube user CripGangsta420 I am pretty sure it is Young Guage [sic] himself. So its not me uploading low quality shit to make him look bad, hahaha.
Look dude I am a hater, for sure, I’m a fucking critic because a lot of music nowadays sucks! (Maybe because production tools get cheap enough that non-talents can use them.) If I’m keeping you from making money making shit music then time to get a real job!!! I am an electrician - if I’m a shit electrician I’m still going to make a wage. You’re trying to be an artist. Guess what - if you’re a shit artist, you’re not going to make a wage!!
Anyway, I mean, good on you for trying to rap or be a hip hopper or whatever, if no one is buying in a year then hopefully you get back to the ‘pyrex’ as you referenced in your songs.
Its too bad not even his name is original ?
I have to side with Leftcoast on a few things. The entire Youtube Collection should be demolished (And has been as of a few minutes ago). His spelling was that way, because in the street Kingz they had a habit of spelling shit fucked up. Dollah D, Phillie Tha Kyd, Profreshnill, etc… Under my management, I had him switch the spelling because Google auto corrects it, making him harder to find. Young Gauge has been his name for much longer then the other “Young Gauge The Great” and I must say the production, etc is better (on his newer stuff, as he has a production team behind him, instead of self engineered). Also from a legal standpoint trademarks are only valid within a region. Different countries different trade marks. My MC name when I was active was Kryptik claimed in 2003. It’s now used by numerous rappers worldwide. Not much I can do about it, and hardly makes me unoriginal.
Often when a rap artist first tries entering the scene they do a bad job of representing themselves. The only place to find music that represents who Gauge is today is I would recommend checking out “Imma Be There” (A Song dedicated to his son), or “Tryna Get Away” Ft. Dollah D. For something a little harder check out “Play Dem Games” Ft. Dollah D.
We all used to color outside the lines, but you can’t judge an artists talent on their first works.
Gauge has been front page featured on multiple hip-hop sites receiving 10’s of thousands of plays since Dec. when I started managing the group and there will always be people who don’t like him. Heck I don’t like Wayne, Minaj, or Gucci but they are hella popular… doesn’t mean I don’t know hip-hop.
If you don’t have haters, you probably don’t have fans either. That’s the way of the biz.
I can definitely say Gauge is an up & coming artist to look out for. His fan demographic is mostly female, and that’s the market we’ve concentrated on with his latest releases… his music isn’t for everyone. Nobody’s is.
On a side note, as manager I’ve had him remove all his youtube content, as it’s a bad representation of who his is now. I warned him of this, and Leftcoast proved my point (thank you)
“Opinions are like assholes… everyone has one… and if it’s not yours, it probably stinks”
Here is an artist whose mother I went to high school at good ole Booth Memorial Junior High.
Google Cole Armour for more info on him.
Was 9 years old when he made this video.
Also has his own website,
OP’s music is weak
[quote=“chookie”]Here is an artist whose mother I went to high school at good ole Booth Memorial Junior High.
Google Cole Armour for more info on him.
Was 9 years old when he made this video.
Also has his own website,
Was an interview on Global TV with Cole this morning.
Good to see someone with Rupert ties doing so well. (Mother was raised here,I think born but not 100% sure)
Here is the link to interview … avMQNI4BJu[/quote]
Hopefully someone learned a good lesson. If you’re going to go on a public forum and help promote a friend, don’t be a dick about it. Why is it that people haven’t figured out that if you’re trying to convince people to do something, calling them names isn’t the way to handle it? Good to see the actual manager came along to handle things more professionally.
This thread reads like a rap battle. It’s pretty awesome, actually.
[quote=“chookie”]Here is an artist whose mother I went to high school at good ole Booth Memorial Junior High.
Google Cole Armour for more info on him.
Was 9 years old when he made this video.
Also has his own website,
Cole was on the Ellen Degeneris show esterday