New council could shift to the left

Hey All

Conrad B Lewis, this is my profile that I posted on the Northern View and

I am running for the position of Councillor for the City of Prince Rupert. I am of Gitxaala (Kitkatla) descent. My parents are Reverends Samuel and Bertha Lewis. Our family was raised in Port Edward.

I married June S (Pahl) Lewis in 1982 and moved to Prince Rupert. We have 5 Children, Basil, Constance, Kristian, June and Patricia. We also have 2 Grandsons Matthew and Tristan.

I have 35 years in the Fishing Industry and in the UFAWU-CAW. I am an active, long time, Shop Steward and current General Executive Board member.

I was employed by the T Buck Suzuki Foundation as a First Nation Liaison and Outreach worker and headed up a successful campaign against Fish Farms in our region.

I lobbied and “won” the battle against E.I. over the term “Volunteerism”. I am a past recipient of the Chamber of Commerce “Volunteer of the Year” award.

I have Strong inter-personal skills; I am Politically cognizant with good Organizational skills. Respectful, resourceful and Transparent. Intrepid, yet at the same time, very respectful of the needs and wishes of others.

These skills have enabled me to effectively “challenge” a wide variety of Political, Educational, Social, Economic, Environmental and organizational concerns.

Most people know me as a basketball organizer; others know me as an effective union rep/negotiator and others know me as an environmentalist. However you may know me, know this: my motivation, in all that I’ve done, and all that I do, is a passion for our Youth and their Families.

On Election Day, with your support, I hope to be your Councillor. As Councillor I will bring a new perspective and be approachable. I will continue to use my skills to effectively address concerns such as: Infrastructure, Quality of life and Social/Economic Development for our community.

Organizing Recreational activities for our youth will, in turn, produce healthy young adults. Advocating financial stability and pursuing economic development through “New Work Opportunities” will, in turn, produce a stable family environment. Stable family environments will produce a healthy vibrant community. Healthy vibrant communities will produce leaders of tomorrow.