My 1,000th Post

My 1,000th Post

There will be a celebration tomorrow @ McDonalds. I will be buying everyone a small fries (with coupons of course).

I would like to thank the owner of the website (Is the owner still MiG?), and all the users of HTMF that have put up with my rants/giggles/and trolls.

I know I at times are not very productive, however - I will try harder when I get my CPTE Certification in the Mail next month.



What’s so special about 1000?

This is my 961st post.

The square root of 961 is 31… which is 13 backwards… and the square of 13 is 169 which is 961 backwards.

961 is 196 upside down… which is the square of 14… which is 41 backwards and the square of 41 is 1681… which was the year that the last dodo bird was killed.

If I weren’t so noobish, I would never post again.


Phrase commonly used by internet trolls when the slightest bit of anger or rage is detected (Much like sharks catching the smell of blood). Is known to drive even the sanest person to boiling rage.

Awesome stuff. At one point I had a post count of 6666…, heh-heh:)

[quote=“AndrewMorgan444”]My 1,000th Post

There will be a celebration tomorrow @ McDonalds. I will be buying everyone a small fries (with coupons of course).

I would like to thank the owner of the website (Is the owner still MiG?), and all the users of HTMF that have put up with my rants/giggles/and trolls.

I know I at times are not very productive, however - I will try harder when I get my CPTE Certification in the Mail next month.


Congrats. :smile: