Moose Hall Presents Harvest Hoedown October 26

Moose Hall Harvest Hoedown with the Surf’n Dudes (Ted Keehn and Friends) October 26th, 2013. Step out for fall!

Tickets 12.00 in Advance, 15.00 at the door includes snacks. Advance tickets available at Teddy’s, Moose Hall, Last Minute Market or call Rosa at 624-4787. Doors at 8. Band 9-1. All proceeds to the Moose. 50/50 Draw.

Get your tickets soon because… we sold out last time! Look forward to a great night out!

Busy night out in Rupert. Even with the hunting guys out of town, the big dance at Chances,and parties elsewhere, the Moose was sold out for a second time this year. Paper flowers hung from the ceiling, candles lit the tables and the music was irresistible for the 130 attendees. Surprising everyone was the Oom Pah band who voluntarily played some great tunes to open. The Harvest Hoedown was off to a great start.

Some serious ballroom style dancers were there. They knew the two step, polka and butterfly but they were far from alone on the crowded wood floor. Other dancers dressed western style. Plaid and gingham were both on display.

“Hard Days Night”. “Under the Boardwalk”, “Wipe Out”, “Help Me Make it Through the Night”, and the classic “Love Potion Number Nine”, were some of the popular selections played by the Surf’n Dudes. They were attired in classic Hawaiian shirts. We “older” dancers sang along. And if you are too young to know the words next time just listen to Randy Bachman’s show “Vinyl Tap” on CBC radio between now and the next dance. Listen and learn.

For a fifteen dollar ticket at the door, it was an affordable night of entertainment. However, due to an unfortunate spellchecking error, and even more unfortunately announced on CFNR Thursday morning, Snakes(!) were not served… only Snacks. A good time was had by all.