Molson Canadian

This is neat.

220 Years now.

Amen my kitty (meowth) Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.

Right - and that quote is actually from a monastery in Belgium where monks have been making beer for many hundreds of years - real beer, not the mass produced Canadian swill.

Hey! We make one of the better mass produced swills here. Count yer belssings you weren’t born a few hundred miles to the south.
They make some pretty awful stuff in Europe too, dark chalky shit they drink warm and rave about. Bleagh!
It only matters for the first two though. After that you can drink the slop like Wildcat from Prince George and not even tell…

"He is a wise man who invented beer."

Beer, the nectar of the Gods.

  • Homer Simpson

You know what I’m not into? Beer snobs.

I, for one, happen to enjoy a cheap, thin, domestic lager. But I’ll drink whatever’s available, or offered.

You can say what you will about domestic beer being weak, but you know what I think is weak? When I offer someone a beer, they ask what kind, I say Bud/Canadian/Coors/Pilly/Blue whatever, and they say “Eww, no thanks.”

More for you then!

I wouldn’t complain if someone didn’t want a beer that I offered him/her…more for me!!

[quote=“Eso”]You know what I’m not into? Beer snobs.

I, for one, happen to enjoy a cheap, thin, domestic lager. But I’ll drink whatever’s available, or offered.

You can say what you will about domestic beer being weak, but you know what I think is weak? When I offer someone a beer, they ask what kind, I say Bud/Canadian/Coors/Pilly/Blue whatever, and they say “Eww, no thanks.”[/quote]

So true. While I prefer Coors Light, the difference between those beer you list is so small - in some cases, damn near non-existent - that I can go with any of them. Then you got your ales, like Kootenay and Alexander Keith’s; it’s all good too, just different.

Man, that’s what this town needs is a true Beer Fest, like the wine Fest - sponsored by HTMF!

Sounds good. Get on it poolboy.

I second it. And it should happen on the day HTMF was launched! :smile:

Coor’s Light drinkers unite!

I think I’ll go have one right now, and maybe see about paying real money to watch the Canucks game tonight on PPV.

Right now I have Hoegaarden, Becks and Big Rock Traditional Ale in the fridge… That Hoegaarden stuff is excellent.

My personal favorite recently is Okanagan Springs Pale Ale. It is rare for me to be on Htmf without one in front of me. The beer fest thing is a great idea poolboy, “if you build it they will come”.

If someone offered me a pilly, i would get insulted and say no thanks.

And, with those words of encouragement from his brethren, Poolboy set out, dressed in a beautiful white robe and gripping his broadsword, to find out what is required to make a beerfest . . .

My personal favorite is Kokanee… Personally though, I think Molson Canadian, is by far the worst beer to come from this country, and I am ashamed to call it the beer to represent us. Has anyone tried that Red Stipe yet??? The stubbies are back!!!

I’ll drink just about anything that is put in front of me. As for beers in depeneds on my mood on what I choose to drink. If I’m only going to have one or two I’ll take a full bodied beer like Sleemans Honey Brown or a Pale Ale. If I have a long night ahead of me I’ll drink something lighter like Corona, Pilsner, LGD, or Canadian. No Heineken though…that crap tastes like skunk cabbage smells.

Beer is great, namely shaftsbury and sleemans and keiths in my mind, but it is a crying shame that molson canadian isn’t actually canadian anymore. Sure it is worked by canadian workers, but company is american. It would be like saying that Nike shoes are actually zimbabwain or philipino because a bunch of 3rd world sweat shop kiddies put them together, but that isn’t quite the case is it? That’s why i stick to buying ALL Canadian beers like the ones i listed up top.

I vote we start an uprising and take canadian back - if for nothing else, just so we can still see and hear the phrase ‘i am canadian’ and not have it be just a gimick to sell the beer. The yanks are making money off of marketing the saying ‘i am canadian’. and it’s a flippin lie!

Miatch Windu

I like to support the micro-breweries. Not only is their beer better but I like to support the small guy when I can.