Meu Deus! Tenho um machado na cabeca!

Theres no newfie.
"Oh me lord!
There’s an axe in me head?

“O’ my Jesus, dere’s a hax in me 'ead!”

You forgot the “Lord tunderin Jesus” that goes before it.


hahaha nice… Newfies have like there own lanuage.

its a dialect

You’re a dialect!

well, if im around a newfie sounding newfoundlander for anymore than 20 mins i start to get my dialect back, its weird. when i was in kintergarden, my techers couldnt userstand me very well cause of it (i went to school in ontario)

I’d think it’s more of an accent than a dialect – it still follows the same basic rules as English :wink:

I get my accent back pretty quick too. Especially talking to my brothers in Newfoundland.

And it’s really hard to re-adjust to BC English after spending the summer there.

yeah, i wish i had mine straight time, its so unique, i love it

[quote=“MiG”]I’d think it’s more of an accent than a dialect – it still follows the same basic rules as English :wink:
I get my accent back pretty quick too. Especially talking to my brothers in Newfoundland.[/quote]

Newfoundlander English is a dialect, as are the many different regional dialects that we have in Canada, BC included.

Correct, we have BC English, Newfoundlander English, etc. All dialects.

Fucking Newfies.

Accent (according to the OED) concerns the sound of the words, whereas, dialect concerns the words, idioms, and sound. Therefore, I’ll continue to hold that Newfoundland English is a dialect of Standard English. As a footnote, do they really make Honda’s in Newfoundland?

There’s a Newfie accent for sure.

If I write out a bunch of Newfie words here, and you speak them in your BC accent, they simply won’t sound right.

There’s no doubt that there is a dialect, but the way the dialect sounds is the accent.

You’re telling me that those guys who speak English with a German accent (ala Colonel Klink) are really speaking a dialect? No, it’s an accent. How about all those Quebecers and Acadians when they speak English? Are they speaking a French dialect of English?

The way a Newfoundlander speaks English (or the Newfie dialect of English) is with a Newfie accent.

Here’s my definition of accent: Modulation of the voice in speaking; manner of speaking or pronouncing; peculiar or characteristic modification of the voice; tone; as, a foreign accent; a French or a German accent.

So it’s much more than just the dialect. It’s the fact that it’s spoken very quickly, with body language, or while breathing in, or with the holding of vowels, adding/deleting H’s, that’s accent.

You can speak other languages with a Newfie accent too, not just the Newfoundland dialect of English. Witness John Crosbie speaking French with a Newfie accent.

As a side note, that’s why CFAs can never get the Newfie accent right. They think it’s just about dialect, and if they just speak the words in the same manner as they would speak English, then they will be Newfies too.

It’s really funny to watch, because it’s just obvious to anybody who does know the Newfie accent, how wrong it is. It ends up sounding like a South Carolina girl using Newfie words.

Watch some Newfoundland movies, like “The Divine Ryans,” “The Shipping News” (which really sucked) and “Rare Birds” (really funny).

All the actors will be using the Newfoundland dialect, but only the real Newfoundlanders will be using the Newfoundland accent. It was painful in “the Shipping News” because though Judi Dench and the rest were using the right words, phrases, figures of speech, they sounded Irish, not Newfie. Gordon Pinsent was perfect though, since he used his Newfie accent to delive his lines.

Both of my parents speak the Newfie dialect, they don’t speak standard English. They’ve lived in Newfoundland for almost 30 years. But they speak it with a Portuguese accent.

Oh, and the Newfie accent is a Hyundai I think, not a Honda.

your newfie??

No, my newfie.

Great example, dialect is made of three parts: vocabulary, pronunciation and idiom. Pronunciation and accent are the same.

I would argue that your parents have learnt the Newfoundland vocabulary and idiom, but as you correctly point out, they don’t sound like other fellow Newfoundlanders. Namely this is a result of their pronunciation. They have a Portuguese accent.

My point is this: Accent is necessary, but not sufficient for achieving a dialect. Accent is only one part of dialect. If one missed the accent, and only used the vocab and idiom, one sounds funny, out-of-place - like your examples from bad Newfoundlander movies.