Mayor Jack Mussallem on the Casino

I’m not sure what we’re saying the problem is. Is it gambling in general? If so, then there’s been “dirty money” circulating in Prince Rupert for decades. Why is a building that employs 70+ people any dirtier than a pull-tab machine or a lottery ticket from 7-11??

Some of us have already pointed out that we have issues with goverment sponsored gambling of any sort,whether it’s pull-tabs (saw lots of gamblers abusing that at the pub I used to work in) or lotto tickets or casinos being called ‘good for their communities’ when really, it’s not money being made,only recirculated and in the process, allowing that 1/3 of the gambling public who become chronic gamblers to spend money even faster. As I mentioned earlier, the only places with casinos that are truly generating real money and not creating problem gamblers are the resorts around the world with large numbers of tourists who come into the state or country, spend their money and then take their gambling issues home with them. In the smaller centers, it’s locals who otherwise might have been spending their money on goods, in restuarants or other local businesses putting money into gambling-I see a fair number of senior chronic gamblers spending money on lotto tickets and scratch cards when they really don’t seem to have much money to blow on that kind of stuff and it is worrisome.

eccentric dude, where you been…

Just get out of prison or something?

Probably back on the second trolling mission to epically piss us off, and out on parole so he can compete with billy.   :imp: :imp: :imp:

/off topic + sarcasm

[quote=“Saffron”]I see a fair number of senior chronic gamblers spending money on lotto tickets and scratch cards when they really don’t seem to have much money to blow on that kind of stuff and it is worrisome.

Yea–I absolutely see that gambling addiction is a real issue, I’m just not convinced that Chances is the cause. As you say, scratch-and-win and lotto tickets are expensive too–as is Keno–as are gambling websites.

One thing I’ve always found interesting is that while a problem gambler can spend thousands and thousands of dollars over the years at convenience stores on gambling and never get any help, if that same problem gambler was at Chances the staff members are obligated by law to cut them off and make them aware of addictions counsellings.

As far as I understand when I was working in a casino, You cannot cut them off and you cannot make them aware of addictions counseling unless they ask you for help, Then you can work on helping them (IE: Self exclusions which are good for the whole province, They get a pic taken and circulated throughout BC) If it is law now, I doubt it really would be enforced by the casino’s. So basically you cant help them at all unless they ask. THEN you are obligated to help them. Also, as far as I know the casino’s here in BC don’t want Facial Recognition software.

Ontario went so far as to start a “no-entrance” list that chronic gamblers looking to quit could sign up for, but when the names on the list began getting into the thousands, it became unworkable. Even worse, some of those gamblers who made it into the casinos despite being on the list sued the Ontario gaming commission for not keeping them out of the casinos and the commission settled out of court because it didn’t want to set a precedent in case law. So if you can’t keep people out of the more obvious gambling spots, how would it work with corner stores, gas stations and other places where government backed lotteries are sold??

Ah well, the government does really well with it’s sin taxes on smokes and booze. I doubt they are going to ever get rid of gambling either, it’s just another way to make money off of the public…

Thats where the facial recognition software would come into play. When you self Exclude yourself you have your photo taken, and If they had that software in place if that person walked in they would be flagged and had their ID checked. So yes they could make the system work but choose not too.

you need a new soapbox… resurfacing your diatribe about the casino.

you got fired. get over it…

  Who got fired?  I am fairly sure Justin Case was not employed there…He won’t even step in for a peek at all the folks losing their hard earned pennies… :smiley:

What the hell now I am being dragged in, fired , on a soapbox all this while I was away. Yeah never set foot in there nor would I.