Mandrake Help

I’ve just installed Mandrake on a computer of mine, I’m having some troubles. I rebooted after installation and chose the Linux option in the box that appeared. It had stars in the bottom right hand corner.

After choosing linux, I get a black screen that says Login. I type: t-bone, which is the username I chose during the installation and then I type my password.

I then get the same black screen, except with this underneath: [t-bone@localhost t-bone]$

Now what? I can’t get anywhere from there. Any instructions or ideas?

Is there a flashing cursor? You need to be in graphic mode. You’re just in the unix terminal. Right?

Sounds like you’ve installed it properly.

Now you’re logged in.

Try “startx”

What’s wrong with being in a unix terminal? For the last few weeks I’ve been messing around with FreeBSD and I never put x on it (of course I’m just playing around with no real end product in sight). I surfed the net using lynx (somewhat limited). I even visited HTMF with it.

Any way, have fun with your Linux box t-bone.

linux rule’s… did you use a vdv drive to install mandrake ?


What’s wrong with being in a unix terminal? For the last few weeks I’ve been messing around with FreeBSD and I never put x on it (of course I’m just playing around with no real end product in sight). I surfed the net using lynx (somewhat limited). I even visited HTMF with it.

Any way, have fun with your Linux box t-bone.[/quote]

I didnt say there was anything wrong, he was looking for a desktop though, well, that was the common assumption.

I don’t know what that mean, but I can tell you how I did install it. I downloaded a Mandrake ISO, or something, and burned it, then just installed it from the the disk.

sorry t-bone it was a joke for others and mig : O )

Would it have anything to do with your title being Lunix, not Linux?

I don’t know about you, but when I install linux or *BSD I end up installing it a few times (often more) until I get it correct. Plus it’s a good way to learn the installation steps.

I might do it again, a little later, but right now I wanna try to get familiar with OS itself.

did you put either KDE (the K desktop environment) or Gnome (an alternative desktop)?

also at terminal prompt try command man man this will give you information about the manual pages (if you didn’t already know)

Alright, startx didn’t work. I’ll go try this man man.

You probably didn’t install KDE and X.

Okay. Should I install mandrake over again?


Is there a way to install KDE and X without doing the whole thing over?

Probably, but installing it again is good practise. You have the CD’s right? it shouldn’t take too long.

Did startx give you an error? other than command not found? if it did then your xconfig is screwed.

If you go throught the install setup and the display section doesn’t autoconfigure exactly right, you end up with what you got because the xconfig is hooped.
Run it again and go thru the display setup until you get a perfect result, or it gimps out. Helps if you have the specs & exact model of your video card, but I’ve had installs where the monitor caused the same thing…
would not accept 800x600 displays no matter what.