Making mp3 cds

Is there any program out there that doesn’t alphabetize the names of the tracks when making an mp3 cd? I thought there would just be something in Nero I could turn off so it would stop, but I can’t find it.

I just need to figure out how I can move the tracks around, so I’m not listening to all of a certain artist right after each other.

Perhaps iTunes.

Correct on the iTunes statement.

I don’t use iTunes anymore.

Why not? It’s a great program that burns CD’s easy, stable and looks nice.

I’m oldschool and like winamp better. It was annoying having to add the songs in, make playlists, wait 5 seconds before a song plays after clicking on it etc etc etc. Basically, I’m happy with the way winamp works, and I like using Nero to burn things.

Well, you just asked for a program that would do something, so don’t be getting bitchy because someone actually suggested one.

My iTunes playes song near instalntly after I press play. I don’t see the pain in making playists at all, and making your library is easy, click and drag. You are just lazy.

Yeah, I find iTunes more convienient for playlists and whatnot. Its nice to have all my music at my fingertips, and as many playlists as I want easily accessable.

For my MP3 Cds, I just drag my files into a cd and then group them into different folders. I use Direct Cd. My cd player recgonizes the folders so I can move between them. Does that help?

Bitchy? I haven’t even started yet. I just simply asked for something other than iTunes. If I was bitching about something… you’d know it.

I think she’s bitchy about WonderMike calling her bitchy…

If I burn mp3 on a 700 mb cd, how many tunes can I put on?

An mp3 is usually 3-5 mb, so ~180 songs.

I never called anyone bitchy. I not a hate farmer.

[quote=“smartass”]Is there any program out there that doesn’t alphabetize the names of the tracks when making an mp3 cd? I thought there would just be something in Nero I could turn off so it would stop, but I can’t find it.

I just need to figure out how I can move the tracks around, so I’m not listening to all of a certain artist right after each other.[/quote]

Is there a way to use media player? I am not sure of how to eliminate the conversion of the MP3 format. Can anyone suggest anything?

Best to go back to iTunes

Rearranging and repeating tracks

You can rearrange the order of the tracks to automatically play them in any sequence you want — similar to programming a CD player. Click the upward-pointing arrow at the top of the first column in the song list, and it changes to a downward-pointing arrow, with the tracks in reverse order.

You can change the order of tracks played in sequence. Just click and hold the mouse button on the track number in the first column for the song, and drag it up or down in the list. You can set up the tracks to play in some completely different sequence.