Mail server Question

Had to move my mailserver to a Telus server DSL about a month ago, and lately there have been longer and longer delays in delivering the mail to the mailboxes. It comes in fine, but holds in the active queue for hours and hours.
I used qshape to look and saw 4200 mails in the active queue, 80 of them over 1280 minutes old…
The only thing I can find is a horrid lookup time with Telus DSL’s DNS servers. It could be a problem looking up the domains to send them to.
Problem: The servers need to be set DHCP and accept the static IPs issued by Telus. It also rewrites a new /etc/resolve.conf and erases anything you put there.
Anyone know how to get it to use alternate DNS servers like & 65.1 which are WAY faster. Can’t restart networking, that renews the telus issued resolve.conf
Any other ideas of what to look for to unclog the system?

you should pm mrj

interesting: I didn’t know you could just change /etc/resolve.conf and it uses it in real time! So using the IPs I mentioned (they’re telus’ real dns, not the crap issued by DSL/dhcp) and fixing a few other errors, it looks like the queue is clearing out. Down to about 9% of what it was.
syslog showed a lot of lookup errors, and gross amounts of spam to a handful of the same users over and over.
Bet there was a big dns failure that backed stuff up like mad.
Now if I could only get the buggers to finish the fiber that was supposed to be up May 23rd… three days of promises they would get back to me in a few hours.

ahah! /var/spool/postfix/etc/resolve.conf
postsuper -d ALL
postfix flush

nice clean queue.  :smiley:

Cool. :sunglasses:
I know Jack about mail servers.  Glad you got it fixed, herbie. :smiley:

I keep going to certain Linux tech forums and posting things like
Thanks for your total lack of response to my question. It forced me once again to figure it out for myself.
Here’s how I did it. Not so much to make it easier for others, but because I’m old and senile and I can Google my own solution if it happens to me again…

I guess I can thank my Dad for that. Here’s a library card. Here’s how you work the card index. Here’s a bus pass. Now let me watch the freaking football game and do your own homework!