
I was about to get annoyed that CTV doesn’t have Lost on tonight, and we don’t get ABC here over the air. But ABC is running one of those ‘compilation episodes’ and the Season Premier is next week.
Just hoping they don’t bump the day and showtime like they did all last year. I was ready to call a jihad on reality tv shows…

Is it true that on Lost this season they’re going to split the people up into African-Americans, Hispanics, Asians and whites?

Anyway, my favourite Lost site: islostarepeat.com/

No, that’s Survivor.

I’ve actually watched the first 2 eps of this season’s Survivor… and it hasn’t been too bad so far.  One of the guys on the Asian team is an old hippy, and the younger people don’t like him very much as his ways of doing things and making jokes of asian stereotypes aren’t their cup of tea.  He did rid a couple of them of headaches though… using some weird way of drawing the pain out of their heads, by giving them a hickey-like mark between their eyes.

They shot the Latino on Lost… I hope it goes all weird this season and Kate ends up with the fat guy… hahaha
Still pissed that last season had 3 scifi series and 2 faded away unfinished while the other wrote the quickest crappiest ending they could to wrap up…

Is it true that on Lost this season they’re going to split the people up into African-Americans, Hispanics, Asians and whites?[/quote]

No, that’s Survivor.[/quote]

What’s the size limit?  Can I keep this one?  Or is this a catch-and-release fishery?

Hook, line and sinker?

Go MiG!  Major pwnage.

Hook, line and…sucker!

Too bad the $100 000 derby is over!