Lost in cyberspace

Got this email in my gmail account. Not a clue why. Doesn’t look like spam either. Poor Florencia, her message reached me instead of Laura.

Holas!!! Cómo estás, Laura? Espero que bien. Primero que nada, quiero contarte que soy Flor Sánchez y te estoy escribiendo este mail porque necesito pedirte un favor (re interesada, nop?); no tambien para saludarte, jeje… ¿Cómo estás? Bueno, volviendo a lo del favor: te acordás que hace como dos años (me acordé algo tarde) hicimos con vos el escudo para una campamento de Caperucitas de 5°? Bueno, yo quería saber si vos por casualidad tenés todavía el escudo guardado en la computadora, porque resulta que mañana nos vamos de campamento (horno) y a mi recién ahora me avisaron si podia conseguir el escudo, asi que si por una de esas casualidades llegás a leer este mai, por favor mandame el escudo en cuanto puedas. Muchísimas gracias!!!


¡A Tus Órdenes!

Mil. Florencia Sánchez

Holas! Cómo.estás, Laura? I hope well that. First that nothing, I want contarte that I am Flower Sanchez and you I am writing this mail because I need pedirte a favor (re interested, nop); not also for saludarte, jeje… Cómo.estás? Good, returning to the one from the favor: you acordás that does as two years (I remembered something late) we made with vos the shield for a camping of Caperucitas of 5°? Good, I wanted to by chance know if tenés still the shield kept in the computer vos, because she is that tomorrow we go away of camping (furnace) and my just now they warned to me if podia to obtain to the shield, asi that if by one of those chances llegás to read this mai, please mandame the shield as soon as you can. Very many thanks


A rough bable fish translation.

I understood the first one better.

a slightly different translation, mabye between the two something understandable?

Holas!! How you are, Laura? I expect that well. First that nothing, I relate that I am Flower Sánchez and I am writing you this mail because I need to ask you a favor (re interested, nop?); not tambien to greet you, jeje… How you are? Good, returning to it of the favor: you acordás that does as two years (I agreed somewhat late) we did with vos the shield for a camp of Caperucitas of 5°? Good, I knew if vos by coincidence tenés still the shield kept in the computer, because it so happens that tomorrow we go of camp (oven) and to my recently now they notified me if podia to obtain the shield, asi that if by one of those coincidences llegás to read this mai, please you send me the shield as soon as be able. A lot thanks!!

Apparently the last part says:


To Your Orders!*

Buddy wants his shield, b’y.

Also, please mandame the shield as soon as you can.