Lax kw'alaams ferry crew on strike


Is infrastructure supposed to make money ?[/quote]

I can agree with the service being a key piece of infrastructure, and if that is the case, then it is the Laxkwalaams membership who will have to be convinced of this. It is the membership which will be saddled with the “burden” of the cost for this service, you can guarantee that the the leadership and their “consultants” wont take any cutbacks.

The city should’ve bought one or two of the old Albion ferries for the airport service. Both are less than 30 years old, recently refitted with new engines, has higher capacity than that small blue motorised raft, and cost $1m a piece.

Too late now, Translink had them scrapped after no luck in selling them.



because politicians friends make assloads of guaranteed profits off the services then give said politicians nice kickbacks

I talked to one of the crew members, he claims the savings in diesel fuel from changing the departure point from Fairview to Seal Cove would pay for more than what the crew is asking for and then some,[/quote]

I have a couple thoughts on this specific point.
1)I look at it from the other side, and see this not as saving any money, but, rather it is more of a situation of losing less money.
2)The end result, losing less money, has nothing to do with the crew and their ability to do their job.
3)The shorter route, means less travel, which means less work, less hours on the job, so justify a pay increase.

When the airport ferry gets its acheduled refit done, it is the Nicola that does both runs. The interesting thing is that now when the Nicola is on strike the airport ferry isn’t filling in for her. Maybe it’s a money thing…maybe it’s a union thing. One thing’s for sure, when the Nicola filled in last year for the airport ferry, they performed the same service for a fraction of the cost of running the blue barge because the wages were virtually halved.

[quote=“Uncle Stumbly”]

When the airport ferry gets its acheduled refit done, it is the Nicola that does both runs. The interesting thing is that now when the Nicola is on strike the airport ferry isn’t filling in for her. Maybe it’s a money thing…maybe it’s a union thing. One thing’s for sure, when the Nicola filled in last year for the airport ferry, they performed the same service for a fraction of the cost of running the blue barge because the wages were virtually halved.[/quote]

Thats correct, same job for half the wages is one of the reasons they are on strike, another reason is that the Band manager has refused to pay them for work already performed,

[quote=“Uncle Stumbly”]

When the airport ferry gets its acheduled refit done, it is the Nicola that does both runs. The interesting thing is that now when the Nicola is on strike the airport ferry isn’t filling in for her. Maybe it’s a money thing…maybe it’s a union thing. One thing’s for sure, when the Nicola filled in last year for the airport ferry, they performed the same service for a fraction of the cost of running the blue barge because the wages were virtually halved.[/quote]

Uh, it would be a Union thing, replacing a ship’s crew or vessel for a refit is one thing, but replacing a ships crew when locked out or on strike, well I’m pretty sure somewhere in the CUPE bylaws there is a section that outlines the problem that this would cause. It would be like Safeway workers walking into an Overwaitea store during a strike and stocking shelves, don’t see it ending well.

Talking to one of the ferry crew yesterday, brought to light that the Ferry actually makes a fair amount of money, crew claims they have their own records to back up their statement.
If true, that would make the long standing story that the band has had to subsidize the ferry, utter BS.

update from my contact is that Lax Kw’alaams band has come to their senses and agreed for the union rep and bands lawyer to work out what is owed and the band will pay the wages the guys have been cheated out of,
ferry is running tomorrow crew resumes negotiations next week,
well done guys someone had to stand up to the bullies, maybe the rest of the bands employees will get treated fairly now