Jason kenney

So what do we think of this latest BULLSHIT?Millions of our tax dollars to train Indians?What about the rest of us?We just get to pay the bills for this useless waste of money that so far ,has been a major failure.


No, salty, you too have an opportunity to get trained up for a new career under the Canada Jobs Grant. It’s a controversial, some might say bold, initiative because Kenney will be taking $300 million of training funds from the provinces and routing it through Service Canada to employers who will provide matching funds for a total of $15K per trained worker.

The cuts will come at the expense of federal grants for basic literacy and numeracy training, so in a way Kenney is shifting the emphasis from those who - some would say - just aren’t going to make it to those who have the basics and are a better bet for training for higher skilled jobs, particularly in the natural resources industries.

You would be a good candidate for some of this federal largesse I’m sure, although you may have to move to another province to find the best opportunity because part of Kenney’s plan is to address inter-provincial imbalances in the labour market.

The part of the program that you seem to be complaining about is training for aboriginal people to work in the mining sector. The 30,000 aboriginal Canadians who already work there will no doubt be helping to pay for the cost through income taxes on their off-reserve employment. Kenney’s thinking is that when looking for workers in remote places where mines tend to be located the best place to start looking is just down the road.

What don’t believe me? Here’s a link to a backgrounder from Minister Kenney: news.gc.ca/web/article-en.do?nid=793559

Sorry, but that is not what was said by Mr Kenney yesterday in Terrace…this is $6.1 million from government and $7 million from industry to train 780 natives for the gas and oil pipelines and related jobs.At no time did he say it was open to me!

There is training I am sure from the deals they have signed. Can’t beat the industry’s then might as well join them.

We’ll if you want to work for them bad enough you should go out and apply with these outfits salty bear. I would never qualify for it either but that wouldn’t stop me using other sources for training in the trades department.

Steps 4.0 in prince rupert helps everyone :smile: