Interesting commentary by Ben Stein

That’s what I’ll always remember Ben Stein best for!  :smile:

I always had Ben Stein pegged as a dildo. This was reinforced lately when I heard he was behind this “intelligent design” movie

And his show “Ben Steins Money” had to have been about the worst thing Ive ever seen

Yeah, the guys on The Skeptics’ Guide to the Universe podcast really ripped on him for that. Gotta love this quote:

Ben Stein isn’t very intelligent, nor very smart.

The anti-defamation league condemned his blaming of the holocaust on Darwinism as “outrageous.”  His response?  “It’s none of their fucking business.”

Isn’t that kindof an unfair statement to make considering you don’t know him, at all? His views are pretty out there–but so was Darwinism before it was slowly, very slowly allowed to stand on its own feet. I dunno, just seems harsh.

I think his saying that his views on the Holocaust aren’t “the fucking business” of the anti-defamation league certainly means he’s not very intelligent.

His bungled press conference (via conference call) for the film is a good example of why he’s not very smart.    Same with having PZ Myers kicked out of a screening of “Expelled” and not realizing his guest was Richard Dawkins, and letting him in.  Not a very smart guy.

If others can say he’s a “smart guy” based on his writings, I think it’s more than fair for me to say he’s not a “smart guy” based on his writings, and his epic fail with respect to “Expelled.”  What’s the difference?