Humans, the dumbest of the species

So let me get this straight, the Crocodile Guy, Steve Irwin dedicated his life to animals and marine life, tracking them, showcasing them, nurturing some, making money off of others (gotta be honest once and a while).

For the most part one could assume he was pretty well a “friend” of animals.

So what do folks do in their grief over his unfortuante death, they go out and whack a bunch of jellyfish… … ittens.htm

Somehow I don’t think everybody got the lessons from his show…

Well said , may I add that I enjoy your writing and updates. Now a few months back while standing in my lady’s backyard this beautiful deer came into the area to feast on the lawn and I noticed just behind his ribcage was a big dart which was stuck into his side. I believe that it must of been fired at him somewhere in the neighbourhood, this pissed me off in a big way. I wanted to attempt trying to remove it but I know that this could or would make me look as stupid as that deer kicking the hunters ass. You are so right in your subject matter " Humans, the dumbest of the species". Is it not true that we are the only ones who kill their own?


[quote=“Justin Case”]You are so right in your subject matter " Humans, the dumbest of the species". Is it not true that we are the only ones who kill their own?

Actually, primates (mostly baboons), cats, dogs, whales, rodents, insects and fish also kill their own, usually the young, for a variety of reasons, including reducing competition (for themselves and their own young, in the case of lions), hunger and, yes, stress (overcrowded situations).

i think it’s chimpanzees, well, some kind of primate, who are 3 times stronger than the average human, and they kill eachother by ripping of limbs, genitals, then head.

Yeah, Congo was a good movie! :wink:

This thread is worthless without pics?

I could be wrong, but, that sounds very much like our regular staff meetings at work. :smiley: