How does Northern Health rate?

I recently moved from Prince Rupert, after a good many years of doing my best to help some folks…I was curious as a former employee of Northern Health, how Rupert would rate the issues around addictions and NH’s response.  And Justin, pipe down…we may have to go on another long distance drive across this great land of ours…hehe  And this time no stopping in Niagra Falls.

I am always the silent one on the block.

Oh yeah…hehe…So do you miss me?  I was curious as to how or if NH has made any changes for the better.  I know you have some pretty solid insight.

Personally , I think they have gone downhill we are short on Dr there must be at least 5000 people now without a family Dr.  PG doesn’t really care, as long s thinks are good in PG all is well with the world. If I was a Dr or a family without a Dr or part of the North Coast Health Improvement Society, I would be withdrawing services ( no extra shifts at ER) organize a letter writing campaign, discussing with NH the lack of work on their part to help recruit Doctors instead of offering Great incentive $$ to ones that we can recruit here to go to PG instead! Enough said ?

I wonder if any med grads realize that if they work in rural communities such as PR, that they can get their BC student loans forgiven…

I find the office staff try their hardest to get your needs met but when it comes from PG then we are being left out in a bad way. As for doctors well I believe that we are in for a long wait and when we do get something happening how long will they stay, till they get there four months in and then apply out?

yes Northern Health has gone downhill in last few years, new person in charge and she was hired to cut costs up here so most of our services suck now, used to be good, PG doesn’t care about us, they are treating us like Vancouver used to treat them. Northern Health should not be out of PG, should be closer to home