Try holding on to only those things that you know for sure is true.
Anything that is left to ?question? is removed from belief.
After you discard all the unsure beliefs you will be so light you will just float away.
Everyone is a messenger of God. No matter who you are or who is soap boxing, all people can speak the TRUTH.
Don’t let the EGO get in the way!!!
Just say what you say or listen…
If you leave anyone out someone is missin…
Sinner, bum, riotous, or dumb…
Too lose connection ONE becomes numb…
We are all Saint’s that can lead the way…
More then just children that are here to play…
This Game of Shame that keeps us all the same…
No one to blame because there is no name…
No separation, ONE Nation…
No need to be under control because we are truly wild and free…
It is better to float or swim then to drown in the SEA…
The dancer looks crazy to the ones that can’t hear the music