HealthBeat Clinic

PRINCE RUPERT will be hosting the SportMed HealthBeat screening on January 6th for SportMed Aboriginal RunWalk leaders and participants. Please see attached for a description of the program.
Screening stations will include:

  • Height, Weight, Waist measurement
  • Grip Strength
  • Blood Pressure
  • Cholesterol & Glucose
  • Goal setting
  • 6-min aerobic walk test
    Screening will take place at the FRIENDSHIP HOUSE ASSOCIATION OF PRINCE RUPERT (744 FRASER ST) and I would like to extend the invitation out to you, your Aboriginal RunWalk leaders and participants in participating in this screening. Screening will take place from 4pm – 8pm.

If your group is interested, please send Susan at [email protected] an email with an estimated number of participants in your group. Drop-ins are also welcomed and sign-up is not mandatory.
Please take note that screening usually takes 20 min. each person and is open to those 19yrs of age or older. This screening is free of charge. This program also offers travel subsidies for those who need to travel to Prince Rupert for screening, please contact Susan Nguyen at [email protected] for further inquiries.
Thank you in advance for your immediate attention and I hope to see you all there on January 6th.
Kind regards,

Susan Nguyen
Manager, Aboriginal RunWalk


Look for Vince Sampare as the leader for Prince Rupert.
Go to this link to sign up FREE: