Has to be something in the water!

Simple solution.

Cancel welfare permanently.

Disability benefits for those who are truly physically disabled (can’t see, walk, etc.)

For the rest they can sink or swim.

Perhaps this would take away the incentive to have kids at the age of 14.

Other countries do not have welfare, people there do not starve and they do not waste their lives on drugs or alcohol either.  They are forced to work in order to survive and they do.

The easiest way to ruin a person permanently is to give him a handout.  Whether it is a rich kid living off daddy’s millions, or a teenager living off my tax money, either way, handouts = destroyed lives.

Shock and dismay at the behavior of youth and the inability of parents to control them.

A fairly typical reaction…for parents of teenagers in 1925…those bloody flapper kids then again in 1852 following the 1849 rebellions in Upper and Lower Canada even as far back as Greece with Socrates chastising the youth for their inattentiveness and lack of diligence towards their studies.

Nothing at all changes.  Humans are no more developed or better behaved than we were 10,000 years ago.

Now…what was that about todays kids?

People like you are part of the reason our rights and freedoms are being infringed on. I turned down a job interview because they wanted a credit check. They called me shortly after to inform me they had changed their policies.

Sometimes its best to stick to your principles even if it costs you.

Jesus, first you said you refused to do a job check because they do drug checks, then cause they do a credit check…like i said i myself can’t afford to eat principles.  I am glad you can afford that luxury and i do truly hope you have a wonderful job.  With the serious lack of jobs in this economy I will take what I can get. 

What is wrong with a credit check? They perform those frequently for various, sometimes inane reasons, like hotels check sometimes, high end stores often do credit checks and what about when you want to apply for a loan or a mortgage, just to name a couple? If I wanted a job and all they asked for was a drug or credit check, go for it. I have bills to pay! So I guess you don’t rent or own a home or don’t care to as they always do a credit check. Where the hell can you live without having had a check done but I guess if you maintain those principles, you don’t care .

Credit checks… none of there damn business!! some people have a good credit, and perhaps someone else may have a bad credit rating.(  maybe unforeseen reasons)
Now, I think a criminal check is not out of line, but a drug test?..

All first nations have funding available through each of their own bands for education… just sitting there waiting to be utilized…hhhmmmmmm…where to begin…

A drug test for a job - ok I get that. 

A credit check for employment is unnecessary.  Every time you authorize a credit check - your credit rating is affected.  If your out looking for work and having a bunch of random companies accessing your credit history, then your are doing yourself a disservice.
Of course if you are financing a car or buying a house a credit check is warrented, but not for a job.

REALLY ALL FIRST NATIONS HAVE FUNDING FOR EDUCATION WOW BETTER GET A STATUS CARD!  LOL  I have a card and no there was no funds there when I went to college I was lucky though cause I was on EI so they paid for my education your statement was pure ignorance.

I wanna say to the your man about your wounds when I had heard they made it seem that it was minor and I should have found out more before posting.

Another thing youth in Canada is considered 13 to 30 so yes you are still considered youth.

Everyone blames Mardi gras yet as far as I know 2 of the events no one was on welfare, can’t you just say sometimes there are just bad people out there.  Good familes still produce bad people.
What am I doing trying to live up to the likes of some of you,
Don’t tell me to open my eyes cause I grew up here and still live
here infact I still party here and heck I partied hard when I was younger but you know what I have 2 fantastic kids they are respectful do well in school and even respect my rules and curfews and I had my first one when I was 16 we struggled but her and I got through I was a single mother you see, a teenage single mother omfg what the heck guess in your eyes I am a welfare bum. 

Anyhow I have never seen it so bad all at once yes I have seen and heard things but all in one night was what I was saying, but I guess cause I had my kid at such a young age my comment is considered complete ly dumb.

As for both my kids I am guilty of allowing TV to babysit them and I drink OMG I said that out loud, but yet they are great and have values, I wonder do you think that maybe and well this is just what I have seen here htmf  that you aren’t really nice people and judge books by there covers and not realize that some people youths included are ok, all of you tend to generalize and welll thats really not fair, I don’t know just saying.

Get over it, you guys complain about no jobs, now your complain about a job that requires a drug test.  honestly I would rather have someone working for me that didn’t do drugs.  Drugs are for losers, the older they get the sooner they will realize that.

I agree drug testing can be dumb but still I have worked in a job where I was a manager and some of my employees showed up less then their best and I wished at that time that some of those standards were placed cause some people just shouldn’t come to work when they are all coked up or still coming down from it.

My understanding about a credit check for some jobs are of some concern for employers only cause if they were wanting to promote you to manager they wanna know now you manage your assets cause in reality you are looking after their assets so some employers want to make sure that their assets are in secure hands, which to me makes sense.

Any action can be justified in some way. However those of you who say we should abandon our rights in a so-called free society seem to be too ready to give up those hard fought-for rights. Democracy must be fought for every day.

Basically what some people are saying here is, some children see there parents and say “I wanna grow up and be just like mommy and daddy” and they have a child at the age of 15 and live off of child tax and welfare? I am almost 100% sure that’s not how it happens - but what I want to put in here are that Yes there are people who take advantage of the fact that money is handed out for people who need it and use it on the wrong stuff BUT there are also people who actually need it who do not have the ability to work or the experience it is hard to get a job in this low economical town but to me it sounds like everyone is just using stereo types.

The true character of a person becomes evident when witnessed while under stress.  The same can be said for a community.  If mob behavior is allowed to begin, we will see people turn on each other and basically eat their own young.

I firmly believe that statement but when I look at the issue or issues in question about youth these days and babies having babies, where I believe this topic started. Our government must use the gavel and say enough is enough, enough pecker checks and if you are not disabled to the point where you may not work , then yes we will provide you. Many people out there have been doing this open hand thing for generations now. It is time to put in some effort to get out some benefits. The courts must change their ways and follow through with charges with some of these kids who think they are little criminals , you slash someones neck no matter how much and you should have your name or names out there. Some of it is the parents/parent’s fault but so much is due to a failed system.

All want rights but fewer want to live to their responsibilities in a democracy.

Not only the justice sysyem fails but almost every social system has failed including the churches that offer free services to those who are in need.  People have to be accountable and part of that includes presenting criteria for these services showing “proof” shall we say that the need is in fact there.  Offering handouts month in, month out, does not aid anyone, enable them yes and the cycle continues. The welfare system, all service agencies, should be tightened up so that those in NEED are those that receive not those who feel it is their right to receive it and that is what happens.  The chronic sense of entitlement is hurting more than helping many.

I appreciate the face cencorship, but can you delete this photo off this thread. I only posted it on facebook so my friends could see the damage, so you’re obviously someone I know, just delete it, thanks.