Guess what the output is

One of my projects from cpsc 123. Can you guess what the out put of this program will be?

#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>

main ()
register float *input;
register int inputQty=0;
register int i=0;
register int avgSum=0;
register float devSum = 0;
register float avg;
register float answer;
register int x=1;

//prompt for the amount of terms
printf ("How many terms? ");
scanf ("%d", &inputQty);

//allocate memory for the terms requested
input = (float *) calloc (inputQty, sizeof (float));
if (input == NULL)
	printf ("\nError: not enough memory!\n");
	exit (1);

//get the terms requested
while (i < inputQty) {
	printf ("Data%d]: ",x);
	scanf("%f", &input*);

i = 0;

//sum inputted terms
while (i < inputQty) {
	avgSum = avgSum + input*;

//calculate average from sum
avg = avgSum / inputQty;
printf("The Average: %.2f\n", avg);
i = 0;

while (i < inputQty) {
	devSum = devSum + pow (input* - avg, 2);

answer = sqrt ( devSum * ( 1 / ( (float) inputQty - 1 ) ) );
printf ("The standard deviation: %f\n", answer);



Thats why I took Javar instead of C.

C is much better. More effiecent than Java.

Yeah, I know it is, but Java is alot easier haha. I studied a little of C, I can’t trace too much of the code though. I know WHAT is happening, but to find the output, I’m lost.

How many terms? 5
Data[1]: 1
Data[2]: 2
Data[3]: 3
Data[4]: 4
Data[5]: 5
The Average: 3.00
The standard deviation: 1.581139

bit of a pain as I had to link it using -lm manually.

Umm ya.

code here

haha, I could have got it if I had a C compiler I guess.