Grad Portfolios dropped?

Not sure how many of you are still in High School (probably not many), but for those who are going into grade 12 this is interesting (from CKNW):

VANCOUVER/CKNW (AM 980) - The Ministry of Education has quietly eliminated the need for Grade 12 students to complete a graduation portfolio next year.
Education Minister Shirley Bond says parents, students and teachers have complained about the portolios, which were to be mandatory for graduation beginning in the 2006-07 school year.
The portfolios are supposed to contain evidence of student achievement in six different areas including arts and design, employability skills and personal health.
Bond says she’s asked her staff to review the entire program over the next several months.

sounds like another useless program I would have half assed when I was in school. You know kinda like capp, I dont think artsy type projects should be a requirement of graduation.