Good job guys----

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Despite the user agreement, none of the previous messages seem to be deleted, or user accounts de-activated, except for mine, today!!!

Can you not handle opposition? Must I come here and talk trash about Native people too? is that the only way my messages will stay on???

Please clean up this message board and remove all posts that racially discriminate Native People.

Hey sly, can you post the link to the comments you are talking about. You maybe talking about old threads that have already been locked because there are others around here that try to monitor if such topics are getting out of hand.
You seem quite confrontational and you paint everyone with the same brush. But you must know that there are a lot of people here that do not like racists comments and will either ignore or delete them if they are capable of doing so.
So tell me what posts you’re talking about.
But if all you want to do is stir the pot, then be ready to accept the consequences.


sly… first and foremost, there’s idiots here, and the idiots will say stupid things. There are moderators here that try to delete, and stop any confrontations before they start, and by yourself being rude and very confrontational, you are only making it worse.

By a couple people posting useless drivel, I hope you don’t think everyone here has the same views. Most of us would rather stop a discussion that involves racial issues before it starts, because frankly, any discussion on that topic is going to either hurt someone, or go nowhere, so there is really no point in having the discussion at all.

If you are mad about a previous post, please let us know which ones they are, in a polite manner, and they will be discussed further. But like BigThumb said, if you just want to stir the pot on something that has already been closed down, you’re going to get banned.

[quote]Hey sly, can you post the link to the comments you are talking about. You maybe talking about old threads that have already been locked because there are others around here that try to monitor if such topics are getting out of hand.
You seem quite confrontational and you paint everyone with the same brush. But you must know that there are a lot of people here that do not like racists comments and will either ignore or delete them if they are capable of doing so.
So tell me what posts you’re talking about.
But if all you want to do is stir the pot, then be ready to accept the consequences.[/quote]

Why Link? Just go into the Prince Rupert Forum and delete the threads that obviously stand out. “All Native Tournament Racist” “Natives” “Aboriginals” despite the fact that they are closed topics, they still exist and they can still be viewed and it is sad to see some of the things some people can say. In no way am I saying Everyone here is racist. But the people running this site should have enough brains to stop these threads before they begin. Stir the pot? Consequences? Ha Ha.
J Leaman? Jason? You still chasing 13 year old girls? Perv. Your the only dumbass here.

As much as you strongly accuse everyone of racism against natives, you dish it out back onto anyone of European descent. Hmmmm…who’s the racist?

Secondly, we could have forum upon forum about racism in our communities, since it obviously is a hot topic. It affects us all, and it goes beyond those of European descent. History has unfortunately been all about divide and conquer, just ask the Mongolians, and unfortunately we cannot erase the blood shed or poor decisions made by our ancestors. But we can try to treat each other with respect and in a civilized manner rather than pointing fingers and shouting out accusations based on ignorance.

Personally, I’d like to meet the “Native,” (since we’re apparently labelling ourselves now) who walked up to my ex-girlfriend (who’s West Indian…you know…the Carribean type…not that it matters what type of Indian she is anyways) and told her that, “Her kind need to be exterminated off the face of the planet,” and that her kind had no right being in his presence. Unfortunately mall security couldn’t locate this guy after he was reported.

Hate is hate regardless of the colour of your skin, and underneath it all we all still bleed the same colour.


I thought jleaman WAS a 13 yr old girl?

Im done here. I dont care much for posts, like everyone else, I just like to read some of the stupid shit that gets said. The petty little arguments can be funny at times. But you are right.

Did this happen in Rupert? If it did that’s the 3rd person I’ve heard that happen to in the last few weeks. Pretty sad that people can be so shallow.

Yeah…that happened at the Rupert mall around Christmas, my ex was pretty upset, crying heavily, and even scared to goto her car because she thought this guy was going to target her.

It just blows my mind…I don’t understand it…no rationality whatsoever.

Yikes… I’d be a little scared too. What security guys did she deal with do you know? A few of them are a little more inclined to help people than others. Just like a couple of them couldn’t find a shoplifter if they jumped out and threw the stolen stuff right at them.