First confirmed H1N1 case in Prince Rupert

At student at a local elementary school is the first confirmed case of H1N1 in Prince Rupert.
Newsletters were sent home with all students today.

Its just too bad that we have to wait until next week to get the vaccine!  I almost wish I lived in the Charlottes…they have already had theirs.

just wanted to say asked the hospital because i also heard at the college there was one  at an elementary and was told by the student it was either he nefew or cousin… but hospital said there is no confirmed cases of the H1N1 as of 8pm tonight

Well, the school district’s superintendent sent out a letter to all parents in all schools saying that it is a confirmed case.
I just heard a rumour that the school, Westview, will be closed because of that H1N1 case. This is not true.

This is the point I was trying to get across in the other thread. People are claiming that there are “confirmed” cases of H1N1 in town, but yet articles in the newspaper and places like the Northern Health Authority are saying there haven’t been a single case yet.

I have to wait another 3 weeks. :frowning:

The clinc next week is certain ‘Target Groups’ you may have to wait longer
I am appalled that the province has not supplied NHA what is required to get everyone vancinated ASAP.  It takes 10 days to be affective… 

Wouldn’t happen to have a copy of that would ya? If the rumour is a joke, it’s not funny. There is a rumour circulating and it would be nice to know for sure. I think it’s in every parent’s interest to remove their kids from a potential exposure…just not worth the risk. Of course, I personally don’t “trust” health authorities to issue notices immediately until their red-tape is over with; which could be too late for further exposures.

I have a medical condition that lowers my immune system and yet the vaccine is one that I may not be allowed to take due to this condition.  It is very frustrating, I can’t even take over the counter cold medicine for cold relief so I am hoping that my Doc gives my the thumbs up for the shot.  I am a “Front Line” service worker and aside from wearing a Hasmet suit and a gas mask, I need all the help I can get !!

The letter says that a child in westview has been diagnosed with h1n1, it has information regarding preventative measures and reminds parents that this is not a severe pandemic and thats its only moderate.  I’m a westview parent and I see no reason to pull my child from school because of the flu, hes perfectly healthy otherwise.  If my child had some other condition I would pull them out, but not without a good reason

If you get the flu now you will have H1N1 … you should take normal precautions such as wash your hands frequently, if no tissue then sneeze into your sleeve. Don’t share utenzils or cups etc. has H1N1 daily updates.

Westview school was totally sanitized ( Janitors from other schools were pulled)
It is a shame though that all the vaccine isnt available at once.

  I don’t know if I can agree with that statement, a friends’ granddaughter is just getting over the flu, the annual run of the mill kind as it is still out there as always but even with that said, you are right, we still have to take the normal precautions that we would for any virus.  It is just a matter of applying more diligence.

You may not agree with it but is true.  You can check with Public Health or the Environmdental health Officer.

please post your backup statement here for us all to see.that’s a powerful conclusion Maxwell

Checki out the northern health website … 

I checked out the site and didn’t see anything about a confirmed case in Rupert, just facts about hygeine for the oncoming flu season and that was it but maybe I missed it !!


Eventually :wink:

Im going to freeze my head so they can bring me back or I’ll write a bot.

Aren’t you a bot now?