Firefighters contract

I was told today that Prince Ruperts firemen have a new contract with the city. I’m not sure what the details are but I do know that they will not be losing any staff. Thats good news for the citizens of Rupert as we will be keeping an adequate firefighting crew on all of the time.

It’s especially important that we keep the firefighter staff the same right now, because of all the dry weather we have been having. Forest fire estimations have been released for this area, and it’s in the moderate to high forest fire risk for the skeena vally/north coast. I don’t know of any other fire fighting crew in the near area, other than the fire bombers out of terrace. … ger+Rating

Notice how the Kelowna/Kamloops area has a low forest fire risk this summer, and the North and Central Coast have a High forest fire risk.


Notice how the Kelowna/Kamloops area has a low forest fire risk this summer, and the North and Central Coast have a High forest fire risk.[/quote]

its been shit weather here for 3 weeks :frowning: Time to move back to prince rupert… but unfortunatly its ft mcmurray for me probably :cry:

I think we’ve had a total of about 10 days of rain since April. God this town is awsome now.