Fights at the Carnival

Today while I was at the carnival a fight ALMOST broke out. Apparently some locals threw eggs at/towards the carnival rides and the younger carnies were ready to fight. The older carnies stopped it from happening though, thank goodness, 'cause one of the younger carnies had hidden a hammer in his pants and was gonna go after the locals with it.

I sure hope things are ok there tonight. I don’t like that there are fights every time they come here. Does anyone know if there were fights last night or the night before?

I wish the annual carnival would be canceled, the fighting is bullshit… everytime…
We used to have 2 a year, now we are down to one, time to go down to none…

[quote=“jamesbrown”]I wish the annual carnival would be canceled, the fighting is bullshit… everytime…
We used to have 2 a year, now we are down to one, time to go down to none…[/quote]

That’s not a solution that’s an evasion.

How about instead the city approach the RCMP to coordinate a effective patrol schedule through the carnival. The carnival isn’t always the problem. The last two fights I seen at the carnival were caused by local punks with needed their attitudes adjusted in the first place. Way back when one of our esteemed youth shot his mouth to a much older carny, who told him to shut up at which point our local nailed the carny in the face…long story short after his bounced off the pavement he pulled a knife and THEN all hell broke loose. Sometimes just the possibility of RCMP presence can diffuse a situation before it starts. It’d probably cut down on all STONED kids hangin out doing just…pure winner stuff.

But our GOOD children, our smaller children shouldn’t be made to suffer one less bit of good, clean and innocent excitement to be had in Rupert.

There were officers wandering around on saturday evening. (thats the only day I was there).
I was shocked and disappointed at the attitudes of some of the tweens/teens down there - budging in front of little kids, pushing people out of their way, not to mention the clothing or lack there of on some of the young girls. Some of the behaviour I witnessed was just disgusting. I’m sure it happens everywhere but it struck a nerve, especially when your waiting in line for over 20 minutes with little kids, not moving because “the big kids” keep pushing in front of you. I got upset with a few of them, most went to the back of the line when they realized they got “busted” but there were a few who responded with foul language. I should of brought soap with me and washed their mouths out :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

To answer your question Princess- I heard about fighting at the belmont, or in front of the belmont on thursday, and people being ripped off by the carnies (not giving change)