Facebook and Instagram offline this morning

So at about 10 AM ET Facebook and Instagram went offline for thousands of people. It was a problem with their login system. You may need to re-login on your phone and browser.

I read a mass of online papers each morning and this was a top story.
But FB worked fine when I went to it afterwards.
Had to see the mass of ads for tax free cigs, the hundreds of EVs in stock in Vanderhoof, how I could instantly make $3000 a month from a $300 online investment right now. Ya know, the real news not MSM lies.

Yes, it was an odd outage that didn’t impact all users. I couldn’t access it for about 30-60 minutes. I was kicked off the platform and couldn’t log-in. I thought at first that my account was compromised until I saw the news stories and a buddy on IRC mentioned the outage. I missed the constant barrage of ED adds. I mean I know I’m old FB, but, really?

I’ve been getting all these posts of classic E European cars and trucks. They never show the model year, could well be built in 2022 and still look like 1950s…