F@#/$^& horn at night

Can someone enlighten me about that f@#/$^& horn we hear at night that keeps me from sleeping? I’m guessing it has a very useful purpose, life saving perhaps? Or maybe even world changing? Couldn’t it be done WHEN I AM NOT SLEEPING?

I am too lazy to explain so here is a link, yes it is a very important horn. en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foghorn

You do know where you live? And I’m sure you have noticed how foggy it has been. I’m pretty sure you have noticed those kinda “large” ships in the harbor. Well Transport Canada has a law that when a vessel is navigating, especially in a harbor when its foggy that it use it’s horn. Its for the safety of the ship and other vessels that may be navigating the water at the same time.

[quote=“Gracies Mom”]

You do know where you live? And I’m sure you have noticed how foggy it has been. I’m pretty sure you have noticed those kinda “large” ships in the harbor. Well Transport Canada has a law that when a vessel is navigating, especially in a harbor when its foggy that it use it’s horn. Its for the safety of the ship and other vessels that may be navigating the water at the same time.[/quote]

Oh I know where I live. But I also know we are in 2014 and technology might be able to solve that issue. Or maybe ships can navigate at different hours. But fair enough, I guess.

Oh I know where I live. But I also know we are in 2014 and technology might be able to solve that issue. Or maybe ships can navigate at different hours. But fair enough, I guess.[/quote]

You live on the North Coast. We need the fog horn to protect our mariners. You will need to learn how to live with this minor inconvenience. Ear plugs?

I read your post title and I didn’t realize you were talking about foghorns. My first thought was something much ruder!


You do know where you live? And I’m sure you have noticed how foggy it has been. I’m pretty sure you have noticed those kinda “large” ships in the harbor. Well Transport Canada has a law that when a vessel is navigating, especially in a harbor when its foggy that it use it’s horn. Its for the safety of the ship and other vessels that may be navigating the water at the same time.

Oh I know where I live. But I also know we are in 2014 and technology might be able to solve that issue. Or maybe ships can navigate at different hours. But fair enough, I guess.[/quote]

What an ignorant statement from someone who clearly has no idea what they are talking about.

Please get over yourself…the world does NOT revolve around your sleep schedule. Shipping in Prince Rupert is run 24/7 in order to keep this port (you know the one that pays pretty much all the bills and is responsible for well over 2000 high paying local jobs) competitive and people working.

Buy some earplugs like everyone else or GTFO!

It’s a fog horn ! Get over it ! Not like it lasted all night long ! Geeeesh !! I like it, kind of a lonely, melancholy sound !! Eerie, spooky like ! lol