Election predictions

Well, it’s election day.

Any last minute predictions?

Anybody know where the winners will be announced? Anywhere online?

Also, I’m really into the Podunk blog now. Subscribed with bloglines and everything. This guy / gal is a great writer. Using a Jerry Boyle / Newfoundland Separation Federation reference in the latest post is a nice touch.

Anybody have any idea who it is? I’d like to put the podunk site in the random site thing on the front page, sort of have a link to his / her latest posts.


Not sure who it is but I’m liking it too

[quote=“MiG”]Well, it’s election day.

Any last minute predictions?

Anybody know where the winners will be announced? Anywhere online?[/quote]

I know that the radio is having coverge…I’m sure that CFTK will have something too.

We were told the results would be up online at the City’s website but I’ll believe that when I see it. I’d expect if you listen to cbc at 10 pm or 11 pm they’ll have the final tallies.

I found this site ubcmsurveys.com/election2005/

Podunk rules!
