Election Eve in the USA

It’s the day before a very consequential election down in the USA. What are your predictions?
I’m hopeful and terrified at the same time. Feel free to comment on the presidential, house, and senate races.
I hope that Harris takes the White House.

We will discover just how many Americans are proud to ride in the back of Trump’s garbage truck.
Common sense or?

I’ve been reading lots of “copium” that had me feeling a lot better, but with both 538’s forecast and Nate Silver’s showing a true 50-50 split, I’m back again to existential dread. I still cannot fathom how anyone can vote for Donald Trump.

Hard to believe someone who shouldn’t even be qualified to run has support of that many. And after becomig more and more vile and objectionable as the campaign wore on.

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I agree. It’s hard to understand. The weekend poll out of Iowa was encouraging showing a three point advantage for Harris. We’ll know soon enough. Michael Moore, the progressive movie maker, correctly called the election for Trump in 2016. He’s calling this one for Harris.

It is. America is very evenly divided. Half of America is very racist and xenophobic. The MAGA twits love Trumps’ vile, hate-filled rhetoric.

Welp there you have it.

This doesn’t at all reflect the many Americans I know and work with that would vote Republican. They’re honestly better people than I am.

Sure. There’s lots of sane GOP voters out there who are more in alignment with politicians like: Bush, Romney, and McCain.
Unfortunately millions of voters chose to vote for a felon who is also a rapist and visibly unhinged. I’m having a hard time adjusting to this new dark reality.

As I pointed out in the BC Elections thread, it isn’t worth getting hung up on ‘who’ is the head of the party, but rather voting for the policies you feel are better for yourself or your country.

I personally feel the BC conservatives would have had a run-away if they had someone more popular as the party leader. If Eby was running in the conservative race rather than the NDP, I don’t have any doubts this would have been a Conservative majority at the moment.

That said, rather than thinking that 51% of Americans voted for “Trump”, consider the other possibilities… Perhaps >70% of the population would have voted Republican if Trump wasn’t the Presidential Candidate for that party, and due to feelings similar to your own, they voted for a person they can better tolerate, regardless if they didn’t align with some of their political views or wants.

I’ll continue to vote against the Liberals in the Federal Elections unless they walk back their unjustified firearms restrictions, and I’ll do the same for the NDP and their asinine rental / tenancy laws and consistent taxation attacks against Canadians. That’s currently my thing, and those policies hold far more importance to me than what individual is running in that party.

I think Americans are in the same boat and while many may not like Trump, they may not like the Democrats even more.

Or not, I don’t know.

“Like” is the root of the problem. Just as everyone who hates Trudeau can’t give you a single rational reason why, the Yanks just elected someone who went out of his way to give them every reason to loathe him. And won!
This was no national brainfart, that was 2016. This was a stand there grunting while filling your diaper, then grin and cackle like Nelson thinking you proved something.

I love how the right normalizes the fact that a convicted felon, rapist, conman, lunatic is an acceptable choice to have the nuclear launch codes. It’s not about the person, it’s about his policies. Hahahahahaha.

But now that he’s president all those things stay on hold. Perhaps he hopes to die in office and never have to face up to them. With control of all branches of govt he could stay President For Life.
He’s as innocent as a newborn babe again.

Yup. The House could legislate an amendment to the US constitution and the Senate can rubber stamp it. Hopefully the House doesn’t remain in the hands of the GOP. My nightmare scenario is unlikely. Trump (Dictator for Life).

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