Eating the pets in Springfield

The moment that TheDonald lost the debate.

Eating the pets

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continues on after being fact checked and tweeting after the debate how ABC should be shut down for daring to fact check him…
That moment was only matched by “They’re aborting babies after they’re born”.

As far as Springfield goes, that was Granpa Simpson trying to debate Lisa.

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he just wants to throw another cat on the barbe

RFK Jr’s brain worms seem to be contagious…
DonOld simply won’t/can’t listen to advice, can’t learn at all. Exactly the same gish gallop of lies he used on Biden only this time the lies were madly absurd and wasted on someone who knew they were his only weapon.
Eating dogs, Post partum abortions. Migrant bogeymen.
Put up as much border wall during his term as a cowpoke could fence in a day.

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The orange jesus is simultaneously saying that he won the debate and claiming that the debate was rigged. Hahahahahahaha.
In the 24 hours following the debate Ms. Harris raised 47 million dollars.